Mujahedin Khalq Declining

18 liberty residents fled the Cult of Rajavi

A number of these former MKO members who managed to run their planned escape, submitted themselves to Iraqi authorities. Some others used the opportunity to surrender to UNAMI and UNHCR officials who had come to visit the Camp. They forcefully got on UN vehicles patrolling in camp Liberty and sought refuge. Among MKO defectors, a high ranking interpreter…..

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Unending fraudulent recruiting methods of MKO

Another year, another June, and another non-Iranian huge rally in Villepinte, Paris. Each year, the terrorist MKO group celebrates the anniversary of its armed struggle against its compatriots in June 1981, and claims that tens of thousands of Iranians gather in Villepinte from across Europe. ..

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Resettled MKO Members in Albania Disobey Ringleaders

most of the MKO members who have been transferred to Albania from their transit camp in Iraq no more obey their masters and cannot be controlled by their ringleaders…referred to a recent ceremony in France to celebrate the anniversary of the terrorist group’s armed attack against Iran in 1981, which was broadcast for the MKO members in Albania through video conferencing…

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Shadow of the Iranian election on the MKO gathering

Obsessed with the new political relations that may be formed between the world community and Iran following the election of Dr. Rowhani, the MKO/MEK/PMOI leader Maryam Rajavi made efforts in her speech at the gathering to convince the West that the Iranian election is not a real one and the president elect is not a moderate.

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Exiled Iranian opposition group in Paris for talks

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, an exiled coalition of Iranian opposition groups, will hold a conference near Paris on Saturday, with international figures including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani expected to speak…while the NCRI may be able put on a good show outside its homeland, many of the group’s detractors feel that the Rajavis and their followers have ceased to matter to the situation in Iran…

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Iraq urges UN cooperation to oust MKO

Baghdad has urged greater cooperation from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to remove Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorists from the country.Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki made the call on Thursday during a meeting with the outgoing head of the UNAMI…

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Fear of Election in the MKO

While the Iranian nation was practicing democracy at the polling stations on Friday to elect their new president, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization that has always boycotted the elections in the Islamic Republic seemed to go nuts with the 36 million voters who have no sympathy for the MKO but welcomed the Presidential Elections in Iran.

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Last ‘non-MEK’ members of the NCRI resign

Mohammad Reza Rowhani and Karim Ghassim, two heads of the so-called Commissions of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) published a joint resignation statement.They say they do not want to go into detail; however they have listed a long list of human rights abuses and …

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MKO is falling apart: Habilian Association SG

It seems they are disintegrating. Some 100 persons have escaped the MKO aka MEK/PMOI since 2 or 3 years ago. These defections are moving from the body of the MKO to its leadership level. Out of the 70 women who were members of the MKO’s leadership council and Rajavi deeply trusted them, 3 have defected. Massoud Rajavi’s main translator has also escaped. All of these show that….

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