Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Neocon backed MKO failed attempt to destroy an Anti-War Org

NIAC has increasingly troubled the war crowd, so much so that it has become one of their favorite targets.Its leading attack dog, Seyyed Hassan Daioleslam [MEK agent in Washington] put it like this in an internal email: “destroying” NIAC and its President Trita Parsi “is an integral part of any attack on (former Secretary of State Hillary) Clinton and President Obama.” In other words, destroying NIAC would also …

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Sadrist MP urges the expedition of MKO expulsion

An Iraqi Sadrist MP has urged the Iraq’s government to speed up the expulsion of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) members from the Arab country.Reiterating the impossibility of further presence of MKO terrorists in Iraq, the Iraqi parliamentarian said the return of the MKO members to Camp Ashraf is impossible…

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Shir Ahmad Rouzrokh Fled Camp Liberty

Another resident of Temporary Transit Location (Camp Liberty) left the Mojahedin Khalq Organization in the early days of Iranian New Year. Mr. Shir Ahamd Rouzrokh escaped TTL after 25 years of imprisonment in the Cult of Rajavi.Having heard the news of his defectors, the family of Mr. Rouzrokh…

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Desperate Struggle to Stop Dispersion

The rejection well indicates that MKO never aims to leave Iraq nor is looking for a final solution for resettlement of the members long enslaved physically and psychologically. It seems more a tactic to buy time to impede the gradual dissociation of the organization.Taken as a typical of MKO, the group did not hesitate to put the blame of a deliberate rejection on others …

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Iraqi MP Urges Swift Expulsion of MKO

“The MKO is a completely terrorist group and its elements are looking for a suitable opportunity to conduct terrorist acts and incite crisis in the country (Iraq),” Al-Alam quoted member of the Iraqi Parliament’s Security and Defense Commission Ammar Tameh as saying.Tameh underlined that the remaining MKO elements should be expelled …

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Undue Credit for a Terrorist Cult

There is no direct answer to the question that why MKO so eagerly attempts to garner the US attention but for certain it helps to better understanding of MKO’s opportunistic nature; it has always been looking for an alien element to rely on just as it did nearly three decades ago by moving to Iraq in agreement to operate under Saddam’s supporting umbrella. The ultimate outcome of alliance with Saddam was an ever-growing social hatred and antipathy towards MKO.

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Survey: Only 5% of Iranian Americans support MKO

the survey released late last week by the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), reveals that only 5 percent of a total of 15 percent of Iranian Americans who support opposition groups or figures in Iran support MKO/MEK/PMOI.The results of this survey truly represent the lack of support for the terrorist MKO group among Iranian patriots who are aware of the MKO’s treasonable acts

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MEPs support Martin Kobler’s work in camp Liberty

… The S&D Group fully supports the efforts of Martin Kobler and the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq towards full and permanent resettlement of the residents of Camp Liberty and believes that the decision by the Government of Albania to accept 210 residents is a welcome first step. The urgency of the resettlement was made clear …

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