Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraqi people would never tolerate the MKO

Dr. Hussein added: “The Iraqi people don’t ever tolerate the MEK, but unfortunately some Iraqi officials and the United States back the group and want them to stay in Iraq for a while.”He pointed out the American propaganda and said: “We know what the USA is seeking in the world. But unfortunately they are using their propaganda machines and false advertisement to claim…

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Vain Attempt to Question the UN Legitimacy

As a matter of fact, Mr. Kobler is not in Iraq to deal with the never-ending problems, better to say non-stop excuse makings, of an outcast terrorist group that has no respects for internal or international agreements. As a coordinator to help solve one among many problems in Iraq, Mr. Kobler did his best to mediate a settlement between the Iraqi government and Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, MCR, NLA)…

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MKO losing the opportunity to run its new plot

A few hours after the Liberty attack, the MKO websites launched large-scale propaganda over the issue. They held an event where a number of their supporters including Howard Dean, Patrick Kennedy, and Strauan Stevenson, spoke on behalf of the group’s recently taken agenda; they all called for residents’ return to Camp Ashraf…

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Deep Differences between MKO, Western Lobbyists

pro-MKO lobbyists, who are mostly retired European and American politicians, have recently concluded that the criminal activities of the MKO (also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) will definitely prove costly for them.They have recently increased their criticism about the”irresponsible”remarks of MKO’s ringleader, Maryam Rajavi, and the negative impacts of her remarks…

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France supports transferring MKO members outside Iraq

France expressed support over transferring members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization outside Iraq, underlining its readiness to take part in coordination with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)…French Foreign Ministry Spokesman Philippe Lalliot as saying that his country supports the UN plan to move the MKO to a third country.

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MKO’s Return to Camp Ashraf IMPOSSIBLE

A senior Iraqi lawmaker said that the recent rocket attack on the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization transient settlement in Camp Liberty was a move to convince Iraq to allow the MKO/MEK/PMOI to return to Camp Ashraf, but such actions are futile the group’s return to its main training camp is impossible.

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Iraq to try MKO terrorists in absentia

Head of an Iraqi human rights group says Iraq seeks to try in absentia the members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq organization (MKO, a.k.a. MEK and PMOI) in Iraq…He said the people of Tuz Khurmato, who are victims of the MKO and the trial is going to be held in their city, expressed happiness and satisfaction over the issue.

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