Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Debate over Camp Liberty in UK parliament

It is not a refugee camp as such; it is a place where individuals are being assessed as to the countries to which they could be relocated. Four have already come to the United Kingdom, a fifth who was offered that has decided not to come and about 52 others are being considered for coming to the United Kingdom.

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Camp Liberty living standards better than many Iraqis

The UN visit Camp Liberty, where the majority of former residents of Camp Ashraf now live, several times a week, and report that facilities at the camp meet international humanitarian standards. For example, residents have access to electricity 24 hours a day and over 200 litres of water per person per day. This compares well to the situation for many Iraqis. I raised the situation at Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty with the Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Human Rights in July 2012. We continue to monitor the situation at Camps Ashraf and Liberty through our embassy in Baghdad…

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Sham report exposes MEK’s isolation in Washington

The problem for Rajavi is that this didn’t happen. The report was leaked to the press as planned, but there was no media fest. Instead the report was pulled back”for revision”when the Library of Congress realised the shoddy piece of work was ripe for investigation: how was it possible for a group like the MEK/MKO/PMOI to infiltrate its disinformation into the ‘Irregular Warfare Support’ office of …

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30,000 Iranian spies? Library of Congress withdraws report

Massoud Khodabandeh, is a former-member-turned-fierce-critic of the Mujahadin-e Khalq (MEK), a small exile group ..The report’s source for the spy claim is a 2007 essay published on a now-defunct website by Rabbi Daniel Zucker, who is chair of a group called Americans for Democracy in the Middle East and has frequently written in support of the MEK.The Zucker piece in turn cites a 2005 …

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Library of Congress pulls sketchy Iran intel report

To back up its claim that Khodabandeh was spying for Tehran, the report cited a 2007 essay written by Rabbi Daniel Zucker, who chairs a group called Americans for Democracy in the Middle East and is known to write often in support of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI. The website where his essay was published is no longer operational, but had linked to the also now-defunct as its source..

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MKO, Unwanted Guests in Iraq

The Iraqi government has so far tolerated the cantankerous, strange behaviors of an imposed remnant of the ousted dictator. Neither are they refugees nor prisoners of war waiting repatriation nor trusted temporary settlers to grant them limited autonomous, self-dependent living. It is just a heavy, unthankful burden provided with free, double rations whose potential threats have to be drastically curbed ..

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Maryam Rajavi not Welcome in Spain

Maryam Rajavi was not welcomed here by the Iranian community. In Spain there are less Iranians than Germany or French but any way no one was there to support her or say welcome. We still consider them as buddies of Saddam and traitors to the mother land. No one has forgotten them killing Iranian soldiers and Kurds.

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The Fortune of MKO Can Fall in Iraq

Everything is actually ready for the residents’ transfer to EU member states and any third country that will offer to receive them as refugees. Reportedly, up to this point, 2600 residents have gone through identity verification process by the UNHCR and close to 1750 have been privately interviewed outside the camp. But the problem is that so far no country has shown a willingness to accept them and the best option for MKO …

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Iraq declares zero-tolerance for MKO terrorist group

Al-Sanid said in an interview for Ashraf News, that Iraq will expel the MEK/MKO/PMOI and end their presence on Iraqi territory. He said,”the Iraqi government, in coordination with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), will act speedily on the mutually agreed resolution and drive them out.”As leader of the Coalition of State Law, he also stressed …

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