Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Baghdad Vows to Expel MKO from Iraq

Iraqi official have pledged to expel the members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) from their country.In September 2012, the last group of the MKO terrorists left Camp Ashraf, their main training center in Iraq. They have been transferred to Camp Liberty which lies Northeast of the Baghdad International Airport.

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Fakharzadeh, MKO members left the group after 20 years

He was handed to Iraqi authorities after he passed legal process in UNAMI and UNHCR. It is worth to mention that MKO leaders usually hold 3 to 4 hours meetings to manipulate members before they go to UN office to fill out asylum seeking forms and then they will let them go there, because they fear their defection.

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Camp Ashraf after evacuation

Photos recently released after evacuation of Ashraf residents…3,000 residents of the camp that’s served as a base for an Iranian exile group have moved to a transit site. ….Camp Ashraf has been the base of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO),

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MKO burning documents at Camp Ashraf

the remaining members of the Mojahadin Khalq Organization in Camp Ashraf are destroying documents related to the group’s terrorist activities.According to a person who has staged a sit-in in front of the camp, the smell of burnt papers has been filling the air over the last nights which shows a huge amount of papers are being burnt out, the institute said in a report.These people are also selling the property …

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100 more MEK moved out of Camp Ashraf

After the successful transfer of 100 more MEK to Camp Liberty, the Chief of Police of Diyala Province told reporters that tens of MEK/MKO/PMOI still remain in Camp Ashraf and will be transferred as soon as is possible. He said that the people of Diyala Province want the MEK problem to be cleared up and the camp closed, ..

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A strategic analysis for the MeK status

what the MeK puts on agenda is stimulating West to increase economic pressure and set off an all-out political war against Iran. This is the reason behind the group’s campaign in the US in favor of Mitt Romney or their effort to trace the companies who deal with Iran or some European countries’ trading with this country in order to put them under pressure to cut off these exchanges.

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Iranians see Mujahedin as traitors rather than opponents

The opposition has lost much of its aura in Iran.”The People’s Mojahedin are opponents in exile and have lost all legitimacy in Iran since the episode of the war with Iraq, where they conducted operations against the Iranian army,”explains Thierry Coville. The”Iranian public opinion far from considering them as opponents see them as traitors.

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Iran files complaints against MKO leaders

Iran’s Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Danaeifard says Tehran has filed lawsuits with Iraqi courts against the leaders of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).More than 145 complaints have been filed in Iraq against the MKO terrorist group and they all must be dealt with in the courts, Danaeifard said on Saturday.

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