Mujahedin Khalq Declining

U.S. Official: MEK are plainly wrong

On a conference call with reporters Monday, a senior administration official said MEK may have”over-interpreted”the court ruling, and may believe that Clinton has no choice now but to de-list the group. The official said that belief would be”quite plainly, wrong.”Clinton”retains complete discretion on this matter,”…

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MEK terrorists on SDN list for 9 consecutive years

For 9 consecutive years, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) terrorist group has been on the Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN). Following the publication of the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) by U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on June 12 …

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Anti-terrorism demonstration held outside Rajavi court

French Judges summoned the commanders of the Mojahedin to the courthouse to ask for explanations of the PMOI leaders on the issue of June 17, 2003 and other terrorist acts carried out by this organization on French territory and also in other European countries. During the demonstration, Iranian and French citizens clearly displayed their dissatisfaction with the presence of terrorism in France..

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US to delist MEK/MKO? Who cares

what with MEK members still strutting around in the halls of Congress and paying large sums of money to various officials to campaign for them, never mind the MEK spokesmen who show up on Fox and HuffingtonPost to peddle their propaganda… apart from all that, the fact is that no one in Iran really gives a damn what the US State Department’s opinion on the matter is anyway.

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No ties between Iraqi Kurdistan, MEK

A leading member of the Kurdistan Coalition in the Iraqi Parliament on Monday denounced allegations by some Iraqi authorities of the Kurdish officials having contact with the Mujahedin-e Khalq, calling Kurds as “the major victim of MKO’s presence in Iraq.”

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Kurdistani Alliance denies relations between Barzani, MKO terrorists

MP, Mahma Khalil, of the Kurdistani Alliance denied the reports over”Relations link the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, and the Kurdistani Alliance with the Iranian Mujahedeen-e-Khalq Organization.”He stated to All Iraq News Agency (AIN)”Barzani has no relations with the MKO because it targeted the Iraqis and the KA is adherence to establish good relations with Iran.”

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Al Araqiah MPs do not support the MEK

Sheikhli criticized the positions of some Iraqi politicians in defending the MEK terrorist organization saying,”We represent our people and our mission is not to defend the killing of our people and those who looted their money.”Indicating that the blocs and parties affiliated to the coalition in Iraq do not agree with the views of some MPs, who are defending the organization …

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40 MKO members have evacuated Iraq

40 members of terrorist Mujahedin e-Khalq organization who had been moved to Camp Liberty have evacuated Iraq through Baghdad airport heading to other countries.Udai al-Khadran, governor of Iraqi Khalis town, said in an interview: “A high ranking MKO commander who has just defected from the group, has revealed that many MKO members are demanding to leave Iraq and go to other countries including Iran.

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The Shell of MKO Cracked Open

The escape of more than a score of MKO’s/MEK/PMOI members from its military base, Camp Ashraf, while being transferred to a temporary transit center near Baghdad has faced the group with another grave crisis among many other that have already challenged it. Even more overwhelming, majority of them are old, experienced veterans and ranking members of the group..

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