Mujahedin Khalq Declining

6 people escaped TTL in a week

Following the relocation of the MKO members in Temporary Transit Location (Camp Liberty), a new wave of defection started among the cult forces.Six dissociated members of the group who were kept as hostages by the leaders could manage to run away, last week.The first group of escapees who left TTL last week included four people: Hassan Yazdani,….

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No third country to host terrorist MKO members

Experience has shown that wherever the MKO goes, due to its terrorist nature, it will foster insecurity and crisis in the host country. Therefore, the plan to relocate the group in a third country is only meant for propaganda purposes…Israel is seeking to relocate the MKO members to the Republic of Azerbaijan. ..

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Defection from MKO Growing

Alireza Khamoushi, the ninth MKO member to flee the group in just the last one month, had been imprisoned and tortured before fleeing the camp.The defected members describe improper psychological conditions and strict cult rules and restrictions as their main reason for fleeing the terrorist group.

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MKO make efforts to turn TTL to a “Refugee Camp”

The MKO leaders know that the resettlement of TTL residents in third countries cannot be done immediately and requires a long-term process. So the only way to keep members behind the bars of the cult and to conceal cult-like practices of the organization is to go under the UN flag neutralizing the rule of Iraqi government in maintaining its sovereignty over TTL…

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3 other MKO members flee from camp Liberty

Three other members of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI fled from Camp Liberty [Temporary Transit Location], a former U.S. military base near the Baghdad International Airport.It had been decided that 3200 MKO members living in Camp New Iraq be relocated to Camp Liberty [TTL] in eight groups, each consisting of 400 members.

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West has a duty to take care of its retired terrorists from the MEK

So far European and North American countries have been reluctant to offer to take in the mostly elderly and sick former fighters. They should remember that it is their governments and other Western political pundits who have gleaned the greatest benefit from these victims. The MEK/MKO/PMOI have been exploited relentlessly in the interminable political wrangling against Iran..

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Iraq urges Int’l cooperation for rapid expulsion of MKO

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari underlined that his country is determined to expel the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR), and asked the world states to help Baghdad with the rapid expulsion of the terrorist cult..The MKO is seeking to transfer its members to another country, but no world state, including the US and the European countries, has accepted to lodge the terrorist group.

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No upright Iraqi group supports MKO terrorists

A member of Iraq’s Supreme Islamic Council said that Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) supporters are “as corrupt as the terrorist group itself”…We are calling for compensation and cost of using the land which belonged to the Iraqis, though have been taken to MKO due to the Saddam’s policies,” …al-Tarfi went on to say that presence of the group in the country was political and Saddam’s security forces had utilized it to murder people.

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