Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraq to Expel More MKO Members after Arab League Summit

Another group of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) members who were under the Iraqi government’s pressures to leave Camp Ashraf are due to be expelled from the camp after the Arab League summit in Baghdad.The fourth stage of the MKO expulsion from Iraq will be done after the end of the Arab summit in Baghdad late March, an Iraqi official said.

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The Vain Struggle to Keep Ashraf Open

The ground reasons for the closure of Camp Ashraf are more than enough to present. The Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, made it clear that the camp had to be closed simultaneous with the exit of the American forces from Iraq. America also left the decision for the group’s future to the Iraqi government. However, under outside pressures and to show its good-will for humanitarian reasons, the Iraqi Government agreed to extend..

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Martin Kobler in the European Parliament on the MKO

The infrastructure at Camp Liberty was indeed improved, but the basic services are guaranteed. The capacity of the camp was for use by 4000 – 5000 U.S. soldiers and UN staff. This has been sufficient and would offer ample space. The medical care at Camp Ashraf, although confined to two doctors and six nurses, but also including use of hospitals outside of Liberty, is guaranteed.

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Women, the Scapegoats of Rajavi’s Cult

promoting women in leadership cadre of the organization is one of the tricks for intensifying the various aspects of this slavery. In the context of a modern slavery bastion, as MKO leaders acknowledge, the main role of MKO’s female rank and file is to be used as human shields for protecting leadership. The published expose and memories by the separated members indicate that the women in MKO have been abused as easy and accessible instruments..

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Iraqi Campaign to Collect Signatures for MKO Trial, Expulsion

A nationwide campaign has started in Iraq to collect one million signatures from Iraqi nationals to call for the trial of the members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK and PMOI) and accelerate their expulsion from Iraq…the Association of Justice to Defend Iraqi Victims of MKO declared that the first stage of the signature gathering campaign in Diyala province has finished with a total of 40000 signatures. .

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Iraq reaffirms resolve to expel MKO

Iraqi Vice President Khudayr al-Khuzaie has reiterated the resolve of Baghdad in its decision to expel the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group, describing its members as ‘persona non grata’.We insist on the expulsion of the terrorist group from Iraq, al-Khuzaie said, adding that the MKO members are not considered guests, but “persona non-grata”.

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Diyala Residents Urge Immediate Expulsion of MKO from Iraq

The residents of Diyala province in Iraq condemned the crimes committed by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK and PMOI) against the Iranian and Iraqi nations, and underlined the necessity for the rapid expulsion of the terrorist group from Iraq.Several people from Diyala province have sent an email to Habilian declaring their displeasure over the MKO terrorist group’s presence on their territory.

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400 MKO terrorists relocated to former US base in Iraq

Around 400 members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group have been moved from Camp Ashraf to a former US military base near the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The transfer of the anti-Iran terrorist group to the former US base, Camp Liberty (Temporary Transit Location), near the Baghdad airport, is reportedly part of an agreement reached between the UN and Iraq back in December.

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MKO’s weapon: nonstop propaganda campaign in media

The MKO’s slanderous statements on the so-called defects of the new location soon came after their resettlement. The group primarily accused the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) which in January said Liberty (Temporary Transit Location) met” international humanitarian standards “ of misrepresenting conditions there, according to AFP…It is far and wide known that TTL had previously housed 5000 American troops…

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MKO’s expulsion in five stages

“Mujahedin-e Khalq’s expulsion from Camp Liberty[TTL] is divided into five stages”, the Vice President of the Diyala provincial council Sadeq Al-Husseini… “And even the name of the elements that must leave the camp in each stage is determined.”“MKO put all its efforts into obstructing their relocation and the residents of Ashraf are telling lies,” Husseini added.

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