Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Jordan confirms rejection of building a camp for MEK to its territory

A source in the Interior Ministry told Al Arab alyawm newspaper today that Jordan refused to agree the setting up of a camp”for the Iranian opposition, or any other opposition. Jordan is committed to its obligation that it should not interfere in the affairs of other countries.”The source denied that Jordan was to have any discussions with any party for the construction of an Iranian refugee camp or reception of refugees. ..

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Iraqi farmers push gov’t to recapture lands seized by MKO

MP for the National Alliance announces the final stages of Camp Ashraf, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, also MKO and PMOI) terrorists’ headquarters in Iraq, closure in this year.Ali Shobbar noted that the Iraqi government has taken serious steps to end the issue of Camp Ashraf “for we are trying to maintain good relations with neighboring countries, including Iran,” ..

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UNHCR Refuses to Grant Asylum to MKO Terrorists

“The commissioner doesn’t grant asylum to groups and organizations, rather asylum is granted to individuals under the condition of abandoning violence,”he noted.He added that the UNHCR has opened several ways for talks with a number of European states in a bid to find a third party to host the MKO terrorists…expulsion of the cult members is imminent, while over 1,600 Ashraf residents are willing to return to Iran.

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Iraq’s decision to expel MKO purely internal

Hassan Al-Shammari expressed his wonder over recent remarks of dismissed Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq regarding the Iran’s involvement in the expulsion of MKO aka MEK/PMOI members from Iraq and stressed that this measure has been taken following the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Iraq and United Nations..

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12 MKO leaders on Interpol’s wanted list

Interpol has issued arrest warrants for 12 leaders of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI …an informed unidentified Iraqi official, said that the arrest warrants have been issued for the members due to the illegal activities that they have carried out, including abduction.According to the official, the main impediment to the implementation of the arrest warrants is ..

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Another MKO member escapes the cult

Last week and in the process of MKO/MEK/PMOI members’ expulsion from Camp Ashraf, one of the captives of the cult managed to escape and announced his separation from the cult..even though Rajavi has selected 397 most adherents of the Ashraf residents for the first stage of their expulsion from Iraq, one of the captives of the terrorist cult whose 10 best years of his life were ruined in the cult managed to became estranged from the terrorist organization.

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Rajavi Banned to Enter UK

The UK Home Secretary barred Maryam Rajavi from coming to Britain..The ban was imposed on Maryam Rajavi after the Home Secretary claimed that her presence on the country’s soil might damage efforts to stop Iran obtaining nuclear weapons and put Britons in the country at risk…Maryam Rajavi was originally excluded from Britain in 1997 because of her leadership role in the terrorist MKO, a group proscribed as a terrorist organization..

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500 other MKO members to be expelled outside Ashraf

Five hundred other members of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, also MKO and PMOI) are going to be expelled outside Camp Ashraf over the coming days…recent developments surrounding the expulsion of the cult members suggests that in addition to the imminent expulsion of these members, more than 1600 Ashraf residents are willing to voluntarily return to Iran.The report also indicates that Iraq has issued arrest warrant for some 70 MKO members

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Minister of HR calls on EU countries to harbor MKO members

Human Rights Minister Mohammed Shyaa called on EU countries to facilitate harboring Iranian Mujahidin Khalq members .According to a statement by the Ministry today:”Shyaa met ambassador of the European Union in Baghdad, Ms. Jana Hapaschkova who praised the effort made by the Ministry of Human Rights in transferring hundred of members of the Iranian (PMOI) from / Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty [Temporary Transit Location]

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Iraqi tribes demand prosecution, punishment of anti-Iran MKO

In a recent statement, Iraqi tribes in the southern city of Basra called on Baghdad to bring to justice those MKO /MEK/PMOI members that aided and abetted former dictator Saddam Hussein’s regime to ruthlessly crush the anti-government uprising in southern and northern Iraq in 1991 during the aftermath of the so-called Persian Gulf war I, when US troops occupied Kuwait and Iraq in efforts to fight off Iraq’s attempt

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