Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Senior Iraq MP: Iraqi Govt. not recognize Maryam Rajavi

“Our decision regarding the MEK has been made based on our territorial integrity,” he added. The Iraqi MP went on to say that they will be transferred to another location and “we’ve facilitated their departure to third countries.” “Those who are willing to return to Iran will be provided with necessary facilities.” Al-Bayati made reference to Rajavi’s recent remarks regarding her willingness to negotiate with Iraqi government and said..

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Azerbaijan envoy: MKO, PJAK’s ideology oppose to ours

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Iran Javanshir Akhundov denied any support from the country for the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)terrorist group.He said, “MKO’s ideology is based on Communism and Marxism which is in opposition to ours.” ..He described all the news and analysis regarding the acceptance of MKO and PJAK by Azerbaijan as “falsification”, adding there is no reason for protecting MKO and PJAK by Azerbaijan.

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UN certifies that Camp Liberty meets international standards

This brings us a step further in ensuring that proper conditions are in place for voluntary relocation of Camp New Iraq residents.” UN monitors are ready to start round-the-clock human rights monitoring during the transport of residents from Camp New Iraq, as well as on their arrival at Camp Liberty, currently built to accommodate 5,500 people. UNHCR is also ready to start refugee status determination ..

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PMOI close to resettlement, envoy says

A memorandum outlining the voluntary relocation of Iranian dissidents in Iraq must be honored for the sake of peace, the U.N. special envoy to Iraq said. Kobler said the United Nations is ready to help Iraq organize the voluntary relocation.In December, Baghdad and the United Nations signed a memorandum of understanding outlining the voluntary relocation of members of the People’s Mujahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI of Iran from their enclave..

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Iraqi tribes support Iraqi PM’s move to expell MKO

The Iraq National Tribal Leaders Conference on Tuesday supported recent decision of Iraqi Prime Minister to sue criminals and saboteurs, calling for closure of the garrison of the outlawed and terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO).The participants also praised the Iraqi government’s efforts to fight terrorism, close the MKO garrison and expell MKO members from Iraqi territory. ..

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Iraqi Tribes Furious at MKO Supporters

Recalling the disgraceful actions and stances of the MKO/MEK/PMOI against the Iraqi Kurds, Sheikh Yayha al-Dalvi said Kurds are furious at the politicians who have forgotten the brutal positions and action of the MKO against Iraqis.He went on to say that these tribes demand the politicians stand alongside their own people rather than advocating a terrorist cell which has been occupying a part of Iraq’s soil for more than thirty years.

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Expulsion from Iraq to pull plug on MKO

An Iranian lawmaker says the expulsion of the members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq will lead to the collapse of the anti-Iran group. The Iranian legislator stated that certain Western states classify terrorists as good or bad, adding that the arrogant powers support terrorist groups and their conducts when the terrorists work in the interest of the colonial powers.

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Qatar not MKO’s next destination

Ahmed al-Shikaki emphasized on Saturday that his government adheres to the good-neighborliness with neighboring countries and emphasized that “Qatar is not MKO’s next Ahmed al-Shikaki, political researcher at the Study and Research Center for the Arab and Mediterranean World destination.”..he emphasized on Saturday that his government adheres to the good-neighborliness with neighboring countries and emphasized that “Qatar is not MKO’s next destination.”

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750 Mojahedin Khalq members ask to return to Iran

Danaifar noted that during UN envoy’s visit to Camp Ashraf, the majority of the group expressed willingness to return to Iran in Iraq; however, the MKO leaders do not allow them to leave the camp and they have “somehow taken those members as hostages.” The MKO, which has carried out numerous acts of terror and violence against Iranian civilians and government officials, fled to Iraq in 1986, where it enjoyed the support of Iraq’s executed dictator …

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MKO has no right to remain in Iraq, says Iraqi ex-minister

Former Iraq’s minister for tribal affairs pointed out that MKO aka MEK/PMOI is a terrorist group and it is on the list of state sponsors of terrorism, adding that they have no right to remain in Iraq “since the country’s (Iraqi) constitution prohibits presence of terrorist groups on its soil.”..Former Iraq’s minister for tribal affairs pointed out that MKO is a terrorist group and it is listed as a terrorist organization internationally, adding that..

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