Mujahedin Khalq Declining

MKO hanging in a vague future and past !!!! (Part3)

One important issue that should be noticed is about the organizations funds and expenses of which I obtained some films and documents of former Baath intelligence service…One of the most important financial resources of the organization was “information selling”. This is done by a large spying network which is working under the supervision of the MKO. It sells the extensive intelligence it gains from all over the world to countries willing to have them.

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Iraq issues arrest warrants for 120 MKO members

Arrest warrants have been issued for 120 members of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced in a televised interview late on Tuesday.During his remarks, Maliki described the MKO aka MEK/PMOI as a “terrorist” group and said the it has committed terrorist acts in Iraq and Iran for many years.He also reiterated the Iraqi government’s decision to expel the members of the group ..

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Baathist- MEK band’s plots fail

UN and the UNHCR authorities are criticizing MeK’s hypocritical manner. Despite that MeK/MKO/PMOI is looking for changing of the political arrangement in Iraq, there is one more important reason for them to procrastinate: fear. For years a deep fear of the world outside, damage, and imprisonment has encompassed MeK, especially MeK’s leadership. Holding of numerous conferences roots in the MeK’s necessity for being constantly under ..

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Iraqi PM: We won’t tolerate MKO presence on our soil

Maliki said the terrorist group committed “brutal crimes inside Iraq” as part of the intelligence apparatus in the hands of the former Ba’ath regime of Saddam Hussein, and that Baghdad has issued 120 arrest warrants for MKO aka MEK/PMOI operatives inside Camp Ashraf.“The Iraqi constitution prohibits harboring terror organizations which threaten the stability of neighboring countries,” he underscored.

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MKO hanging in a vague future and past !!!! (Part2)

..all dictators around the world believe in at least a few limitations for themselves. For example, some dictators try to preserve their dignity and pride and say,’ I don’t make relations with America or Soviet Union’. But Massoud Rajavi had links with the US and other Western countries while he claimed to struggle against Imperialism, at the same time he was connected to the Soviet Union too. No ideological limits prevented him from working with either of them.”

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MKO hanging in a vague future and past!!!!(Part1)

..[The NCRI] intended to create a free region in Iranian Kurdistan. Following the hammering of Kurdistan by Iranian government, we were transferred to Alan Heights in Iraq, under Massoud Rajavi’s order. [In Iraq] we were busy-minded with a question: what are we doing in a country hostile to Iran? There, the aims of the organization were not clear to members so most dissident members were killed by Rajavi in ambiguous ways.”..

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Iraqi Gov’t forces MKO members out of Ashraf

the first group of MKO members were about to be transferred to a new place specified by the Iraqi government. Iraqi Government Spokesman Ali Al-Dabbaq stressed on Wednesday that Baghdad has not extended the presence of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq, dismissing western media reports in this regard.

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Camp Ashraf exiles to begin leaving Iraq camp

It ends a tense standoff with the Iraqi government, which has repeatedly vowed to close the 25-year-old camp.Earlier this week, Iraq and the UN agreed to resettle the camp’s more than 3,000 residents.Those living in the camp, about 40 miles (65 km) north of Baghdad, were part of the People’s Mujahideen Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK/PMOI), which fought alongside Iraqi soldiers during the Iran-Iraq war.

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