Mujahedin Khalq Declining

MEK group in Iraq agrees to quit Camp Ashraf

The first 400 of the more than 3,000 members of the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran – which Iraq earlier this year had threatened with mass expulsion – are ready”as a goodwill gesture”to transfer with their movable property and vehicles”at the first opportunity”to the former Camp Liberty at Baghdad International Airport, the group’s leader, Maryam Rajavi, announced.

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Seyyed Mohssen Hakim: MKO no longer tolerated in Iraq

… Top advisor to Speaker of Iraq’s Majlis al-Aala Seyyed Mohssen Hakim says that the presence of the members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in the country can be defined as an international crime, because the organization is not officially permitted to stay in the country… Parviz Sorouri says no European country is willing to accept the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) because the cost of hosting them will be too high. Sorouri said on Saturday that based on creditable documents, the MKO has committed about 14,000 acts of terror in Iran …

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Al-Maliki: We agreed with UN that Half of the MKO leave Iraq now

Al-Maliki goes on to say:”We ask some European states why they support them, and, if this falls under the context of a regional conflict, Iraq rejects being a part of any regional conflict.”He adds:”That is why we have decided to order the departure of this organization, and we have given them the end of the year as a deadline.”With regard to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s request for a six-month extension of the deadline …

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MKO not welcome in Switzerland despite US pressure

the French-language Swiss newspaper 20 Minutes wrote,”Despite US pressures, Federal Office for Migration in Switzerland rejected the resettlement of 11 members of the MKO organization.””These individuals pose a great threat to our national security,”Federal Office for Migration in Switzerland explained that why they did not accept MKO aka MEK/PMOI members..

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Fate of Ashraf Residents Hang in Balance

The official added that while MEK leaders have backed off from”maximalist positions”in the last 48 hours,”We’re still hearing talk about martyrdom and dying.”If the residents are given the chance to choose their place of life, there are definitely a large number who are willing to leave the group a… “Particular attention should be given to the approximately 70 percent of the Camp Ashraf population that joined the MeK after the group relocated to Iraq”

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Egypt Cancels MKO Meeting in Cairo

The Egyptian government voiced its strong opposition to a planned meeting of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) aka MEK/PMOI in Cairo and cancelled the convention.The meeting was scheduled to be held this afternoon in Pyramisa Hotel in Cairo, but the terrorist group canceled the meeting after the government of Egypt expressed its strong opposition and did not issue the necessary permission for the meeting..

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MKO frustrated, after US departure from Iraq

It is obvious to all that this group has been operating as the proxies and mercenary forces for the enemies of Iran, for more than two decades. Most of the escapees of the Camp Ashraf who have returned to Iran, expressed that what MKO do are acts of treason, and even if we are opposed to our government, we will never cooperate with them, since committing espionage on one’s own country is considered wrong and unacceptable anywhere…

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Iraqis rally demanding MKO expulsion

Thousands of Iraqi people held a demonstration in Tahrir square in central Baghdad on Friday calling for the expulsion of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) aka MEK/PMOI from their country…According to AP, the demonstrators were urging the government to abide by an end-of-year deadline to expel the group from Iraq and close their camp here… the protesters warned the Iraqi government about the terrorist group’s plans to ..

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Nuri al-Maliki: decision to close Camp Ashraf is final

And Maliki also said that Iraq’s decision to close Camp Ashraf, which is occupied by the opposition People’s Mujahedeen Organisation of Iran (PMOI), is final.”The decision we made is irreversible,”Maliki said. He said that a United Nations representative was not permitted to visit Camp Ashraf, and that the PMOI aka MKO/MEK had also refused to implement a UN plan to shut down the camp, saying that this reinforced Iraq’s decision. ..

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Iraq rejects UN plea for MKO criminals

Maliki went on to describe the MKO aka ME/PMOI as a “criminal gang,” adding, “We cannot permit a criminal gang to remain here.”The comments by the Iraqi prime minister come on the heels of an appeal last week by the UN for the extension of the deadline to close down Camp Ashraf.

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