Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Diyala Governor: Human Rights, Deporting MEK, Imposing the Laws, non negotiable

Massoud Khodabandeh heading the delegation thanked the Government of Iraq and asked the Governor of Diyala and the General to help inform the people trapped inside about their rights and to counter the lies given to them by the hostage takers and cult leaders. Ms. Abdollahi on behalf of the families asked for help and for care to be taken when dismantling the camp to institute particular safeguards to protect the relatives of the picketing families..

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Iraqis call for expulsion of MKO

The presence of the Mojahidin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK in Iraq and its consequences still remain among the main topics discussed in the country’s political circles.In a conference organized by the Iraqi Center for Media Development, a number of Iraqi officials and ordinary people came together in capital Baghdad to talk about the issue.The expulsion of the MKO members as scheduled was the main point the attendees agreed on.

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Talks underway on closing MEK exile camp in Iraq

“The primary and overall responsibility to deal with the situation in Camp Ashraf lies with the government of Iraq within its sovereignty,”Martin Kobler, the UN secretary general’s special representative for Iraq..”In agreement with the government, we are in continuous contact with all parties, including the residents of the camp and the members of the international community to facilitate a peaceful and durable solution,”Kobler said.

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Iraq urged to expel MKO terrorists

“The Iraqi government has responded to the people’s call and decided to evacuate the MKO camp [Camp Ashraf] in Iraq and expel its members from Iraq by the end of the year,” the center’s Director Adnan al-Sarraj said during the gathering…Baghdad has repeatedly said it is determined to shut the camp down by the end of 2011.The MKO aka MEK/PMOI is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community

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MKO will be forced to leave Iraq

The chairman of an Iraqi committee in charge of supporting the victims of terrorist actions carried out by the members of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) has said that the group will be forced to exit from Iraq if they refuse to leave the country by 2012

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Iraqis want Camp Ashraf closed

Iraqis have staged a protest rally in the eastern province of Diyala to urge the authorities to close down Camp Ashraf, which hosts members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).Protesters demand the expulsion of MKO/MEK/PMOI members from Iraq and that the camp be dismantled. The relatives of some MKO members also joined the gathering near Camp Ashraf, calling on their loved ones to abandon the notorious group.

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Army Chief: Iraq to expel MKO terrorists by 2012

Members of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI are not only the enemies of Iran but they are also the adversaries of Baghdad, Zebari said in a meeting with Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Jafari in the Iranian capital of Tehran late Monday..Zebari also noted that the Iraqi officials are seeking “stronger” ties with the Islamic Republic…The terror organization is known to have cooperated with Saddam..

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Israel and the MeK: Amano’s report is of us

It seems that these two, instructed by a single commander, have issued the statements to proclaim their disabilities in confronting Iran.Maryam Rajavi’s frequent requests from the U.S to remove MeK from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, which is raised once again with the pretext of Amano’s report, is due to the same incapacity and inability…

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MKO fears that withdrawal of US troops from Iraq will leave them orphaned

President Obama announced that “after nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.”..This is good news for troops who want to come home, but bad news for the members of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI housed in Camp Ashraf who have tenuously benefited from the troops’ presence; Ultimately America’s departure from Iraq will conclude the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) presence in Iraq. One sticky problem on the final departure is..

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MKO camp evacuated by 2011 end

In a press conference held at the Iraq Cabinet building with the presence of the representative of the UN’s Secretary General Mr. Martin Coupler and a number of International Human Rights organizations and ambassadors, the Iraqi Prime Minister’s advisor stated that the Iraqi government will not allow the MKO/MEK/PMOI members to remain in Iraq after 2011

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