Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraqis Rally to Protest at MKO Presence in Diyala

Expulsion of the MKO from Iraq is a demand of all people that should be respected and obeyed,”Mayor of al-Adhim town in Diyala province, Abdul Jabbar Ahmed al-Obeidi, said during the rally…Al-Obeidi said that the Iraqi population of the province want the fertile lands under the MKO/MEK/PMOI occupation to be freed and given back to the people and farmers for the agricultural and economic development of the province.

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Iraqis united: Get Out of Here, Curse You

Director of the greater Khalis region, Abdul-Jabbar Ahmed al-Obeidi, said many victims of MEK aka MKO/PMOI terrorism have filed complaints with Iraq’s Judiciary. Secretary General of the Association of Justice to defend the victims of Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq, Dr. Nafie Isa, described how the MEK used occupied land to attack Iraq’s citizens. He said the media should expose the MEK’s crimes and interference in the internal affairs of Iraq ..

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Rajavi’s Marathon of retreats

analyzing the reasons for Rajavi’s withdrawals, which Mujahedeen call it”relentless battle”, Indicates that the MEK/MKO/PMOI tactics in confronting the Iraqi government with the U.S, Europe and the United Nations are defeated and they are forced to retreat.Also, this situation shows that the MeK long term plan to be delisted and their efforts to satisfy the U.S are failed, because

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Iraq to close Camp Ashraf before pullout

In a recent meeting with the Swiss Ambassador to Baghdad Martin Aishnbachr, Iraqi Minister of Human Rights Mohammad Shayaa al-Sudani stressed that the notorious camp, located about 120 kilometers (74 miles) west of the border with Iran, would be closed by the end of the year.He added that a high-profile team consisting of officials from the justice, human rights and defense ministries were looking for a legal solution to this matter..

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Zebari Reiterates”Definite”Expulsion of MKO

“Based on agreements, MKO members will be expelled from Iraq’s soil at the end of 2011 and should be transferred to a third country,”the Iraqi premier reiterated.Yet, he pointed out that it is not yet clear which country will host the terrorist group once they are expelled from Iraq..a number of EU parliamentarians said in a recent letter in which they slammed a British court decision to remove the MKO aka MEK/PMOI from the British terror list.

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Iraq to close HQ of Mojahedin Khalq by 2011

… Iraqi Foreign Minister says Baghdad is determined to close down camp Ashraf, which hosts members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), by the end of the year.”We have already made it clear about closing … Camp Ashraf before. The decision will be implemented by the end of this year,”Zebari said.”The government insists on completing this mission … There is no government that would agree to ..

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The file of Camp Ashraf will be closed by year end

With regard to the issue of Camp New Iraq (formerly Camp Ashraf), the Minister said”that the Iraqi government is seriously engaged in closing this file during the rest of the year, through the Committee, headed by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and members of the Ministries of Justice, Human Rights and Defense for the purpose of reaching a solution and a legal way out for these people. ..

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Iraqi MP: MKO will be expelled by year end

The anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI will be expelled from Iraq by the end the year, Iraqi lawmaker said.Uday Awwad, the Sadrist Iraqi MP, insisted that Iraqis “will witness the MKO expelled from the country this year”..As well as assassinating more than 12,000 Iranians, the MKO is responsible for over 25,000 Iraqi lives..Contrary to the US will, Iraqi officials want to expel the terrorist cult.

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MEK Terror group Supporters Demand Delay in Closure of Iraqi Camp Ashraf

Fresh off Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s statement to the United Nations insisting that Mujahedin e-Khalq aka ( MKO/MEK/PMOI)’s Camp Ashraf should be closed by year’s end has sprung the State Department-listed Foreign Terrorist Organization into action, with a series of condemnations from both them and their supporters. gathering of MeK supporters rallied in Brussels…

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Maliki, Kobler discuss evacuation Ashraf Camp

Premier Nouri al-Maliki discussed with the new UN representative to Iraq the necessity of evacuating Iranian Ashraf camp by the end of this year, according to a Premiership statement. Both sides discussed joint matters, especially the evacuation of Ashraf camp and the necessity to implement Iraqi Cabinet resolution on this matter. Iraqi government issued a final resolution to end the presence of Iranian opposition Mujahidin Khalq be the end of this year ..

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