Mujahedin Khalq Declining

MKO’s Role in Saddam’s Invasion of Kuwait Disclosed

According to a report published by the Kuwaiti Al-Dar daily, the MKO/MEK/PMOI members had all-out cooperation with Saddam forces and were in massive intelligence coordination with former Iraqi regimes’ military and security authorities during the occupation of Kuwait.The MKO members had also participated in checkpoint operations and interrogated Kuwaiti citizens..The daily said that MKO’s main elements were stationed at a hotel near Hawalli square ..

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Iraqi victims of MKO to collect signatures to expel the group

… Mr Nafee-Issa said that”the Committee is working to collect a large number of facts that show the crimes of this organization and what caused the killings of civilians in Iraq since 1986 till 2003.”He added that”organized crime continued after 2003 as a result of political interference in the affairs of Iraq by creating sectarian strife.. Camp Ashraf, or as it is now known camp New Iraq, houses thousands of Iranian fighters of the MKO/MEK/PMOI …

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Baghdad conference discusses legality of MKO presence

During the conference the organizers and the attendees stated that they have sent a request to Iraqi government to expel the MKO saying that they launched a campaign to collect one million signatures to be attached to the request.They also reminded the Iraqi policy makers of what they called the crimes committed by MKO/MEK/PMOI against the Iraqi citizens under Saddam regime.

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Ex-UN Inspector Questions Authenticity of MKO’s Claims

Western and UN experts are expressing increasing doubt about the claims raised by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, saying that the MKO /MEK/PMOI merely wants to serve the neoconservative hawks in Washington. David Albright, a former UN weapons inspector and director of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington is one of them.”I can no more trust their information,”David Albright said.

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Iraq orders MKO terrorist group to return occupied land

… Sheikh Ali al-Zahiri, head of the support council of the Iraqi city of Khalis, said on Tuesday that the Diyala Province court has ordered the terrorist group to return 5,000 hectares of land located inside Camp Ashraf, where the MKO terrorists are located, to the Iraqi owners, IRIB reported. The outlawed MKO fled to Iraq in the 1980s, where it enjoyed the support of executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and set up Camp Ashraf in the northeastern town of Khalis, Diyala. The court ruling also required the MKO to pay compensation to 150 Iraqi families for the terrorist group’s illegitimate use of the land over the past three decades …

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Iraq to sue states supporting MKO

“Iraq will sue those governments that support the MKO in order to harm Baghdad,”Maliki said at a Saturday press conference, Al-Alam news network reported.”The Western states put the MKO on the list of terrorist groups for its crimes against Iraqi people, but they support it now,”he noted.Maliki was referring to a recent decision by a Spanish court to summon the Iraqi premier regarding the incidents in Camp Ashraf — where the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists are currently located — in April…Iraq does not recognize the Spanish court’s order.

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Iraq says not to allow PJAK, MKO to act

“Iraq is resolute not to allow Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) members to stay inside its territory. Situation would be very hard for them (the group members) to stay inside Iraqi soil after upcoming withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq,”he told ISNA.”Iraq will never allow any terrorist cell to act against its neighboring states,”the Iraqi top diplomat added…the ambassador noted,”no terrorist group including PJAK and MKO is permitted to act against neighboring states based on Iraqi Constitution.”..

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A remarkable number of the MKO members return to Iran

Asked about Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), he said that the Iraqi government is determined to expel the members of the terrorist group from the country by the end of this year.He also said that most of the members of this group that have escaped from Camp Ashraf are trying to return to Iran.“After escape, they usually seek refuge in Iraq, and most of them demand to be granted permission to enter Iran as they have requested in their interviews with the International Committee of the Red Cross,” he said referring to those members of the group that have not been involved in any criminal action.

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Senior Tribal Leader Urges Expulsion of MKO Members from Iraq

..The al-Azzah tribe and I as the leader of the tribe welcome expulsion of the MKO,”Mazan Habib Kheizaran told FNA on Wednesday, adding that all the people of the Diyala province support the Iraqi government and parliament’s plan for expelling the MKO from the country. ..Noting the fate of the terrorist group, Habib Kheizaran said according to the information he has obtained in his rare meetings with certain members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, the members of the terrorist group are due to be sent to the European countries in small groups… He pointed to the problems that the MKO has created for the Iraqi people, and said given the fact that Iraq needs the assistance and cooperation of the neighboring

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Non-Iranian nationals to validate the MEK’s”Largest gathering of Iranians”claim

Most of the criticisms of the PMOI today converge on what is perceived to be their pursuit of power. The event in Paris did nothing to dispel such criticisms. It was undoubtedly led and orchestrated by genuine PMOI activists, but it is less certain how convinced the others present were about the gathering – people who had been offered an inclusive free trip to Paris.What they discovered when they got there was that they would not see Paris, but only a huge exhibition hall in Villepinte, with no shops, kiosks or even benches to sit on in the visible vicinity. While remaining sympathetic to the plight of the Iranian people, many seemed disappointed at being used to make up the numbers..

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