Mujahedin Khalq Declining

SIIC rep: MKO members should leave Iraq end of 2011

… Members of Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) should completely leave Iraq by the end of 2011, said Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council (SIIC) representative in Tehran, Majed Ghamas.”MKO members should leave Iraq and Ashraf Camp based on Iraqi government’s official stance and there should be no trace of them inside Iraq by the end of 2011. There are minority of people who are against withdrawal of the group from Iraq, but Kurds, Shiites and overwhelming majority of Sunnis are against presence of MKO members inside Iraq,”he told ISNA. Ghamas then added,”the US forces took control of Ashraf Camp after Saddam’s collapse and …

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Iraqi ambassador: Iraq to expel terrorist Mojahedin Khalq soon

… The ambassador said that the Iraqi government has also raised the issue with the European Union. Al-Sheikh said that the terrorist MKO refugees were given a camp under the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein when they were serving under the then Iraqi army command to crack down Iraqi opposition in southern Iraq. ‘So, the new Iraqi government set a deadline for them to leave Iraq. “The Iraqi leaders have consulted with EU over the MKO refugees and maintained that Iraq can not tolerate presence ..

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Mojahedin Khalq rejects US relocation proposal

… Rajavi said the US was responsible to protect MKO members in Camp Ashraf and called for the formation of a permanent monitoring team backed by the United States and the European Union to ensure the safety of the terrorist group. In April, the MKO members clashed with the Iraqi security forces who were involved in an operation to reclaim land from the camp and return it to local farmers. The MKO claimed that the Iraqi forces killed 34 of its members in the clashes. But Iraqi officials refuted the allegation, saying the camp residents were killed by the MKO organization itself …

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Iraqi politicians reach consensus on evacuating Camp Ashraf

Iraqi president Jalal Talabani announced that the Iraqi government will expel the MKO members from Iraq by the end of this year.Observers say, MKO members have tried on many occasion to provoke int’l community into putting pressure on Iraqi government by claiming that the Iraqi forces have attacked or mistreating them. The claims have been denied by Iraqi officials.The MKO is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community.and is responsible for numerous acts of terror and violence against Iranian civilians and government officials..

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Four more hostages have escaped from Camp Ashraf

… An Iraqi official claimed Thursday that 58 people have fled from an Iranian exiles’ camp northeast of Baghdad and promised the government would help them immigrate into another country. The claim by Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammed al-Askari is the latest in the saga of several thousand Iranian exiles living in Camp Ashraf, where an April 8 raid by the Iraqi army killed dozens or residents. The camp is run by the People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran,..

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More MKO members defected

Four other members of the notorious Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) have defected from the group and surrendered themselves to the Iraqi forces….In a press conference organized by the Iraqi Defense Ministry, the defected MKO members said since the US led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the leaders of the organization have turned the camp into a prison and the residents of the camp are completely cut off from the outside world.

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Talibani: Iraqi government’s patience with the MeK worn thin

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, while in Tehran, voiced his support for Iran’s call to shut a military camp in central Iraq that has served as a base for an Iranian insurgent group, the Mujahedin e-Khalq, or MeK/MKO/PMOI.Washington, while designating the MeK as an international terrorist organization, has pressured Iraq to continue to provide sanctuary to some 3,400 MeK fighters..The MeK was aligned with the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and carried out a string of terrorist attacks ..

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Iraq Readying to Take More Actions against MKO

The governor-general of Iraq’s Northern Diyala province announced on Monday that the country plans to intensify security measures over the main stronghold of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq.”The security operations which were due to be carried out are in the preliminary stages and the security groups formed by the Army and Police are now readying for new operations under the supervision of the Iraqi prime minister,”Ra’d Javad al-Tamimi said.

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Intelligence Minister: MKO is in Decline

He also said that Iran’s intelligence apparatus is keeping a close eye on the moves that terrorist groups are making.Elsewhere in his remarks, Moslehi warned the country’s officials against the activities of the MKO members, saying these terrorists are making endeavors to achieve their evil goals through recruiting members.He went on to say that the forces of imperialism have always been seeking to deal a detrimental blow to Iran’s Islamic establishment through this terrorist organization.

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Talibani: Committee formed to shut MKO Ashraf camp

… Iraq’s President Jalal Talabani says a committee has been formed to shut down a camp belonging to the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO). “The government of Iraq will do all it can to prevent terrorism. We should attempt to close down MKO terrorists’ Ashraf Camp and we shall remove all those people. Those who are willing will go back to Iran. Others will go wherever they want to,” Talabani said in a speech during an anti-terrorism conference in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Saturday. Talabani pointed out that the committee was formed by Iran, Iraq and the International Red Cross, reiterating that the camp would be closed by the end of 2011 …

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