Mujahedin Khalq Declining

US State Department: No popular support for MKO among Iranians

… A U.S. State Department document released in May 2011 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act says the MEK has no popular support inside Iran and “to the extent Iranians know about this group they are far more likely to oppose it than support it.” It added, “Any U.S. support for MEK would extremely damage its reputation amongst Iranians and would increase anti-American sentiments in Iran.” The State Department cables quoted defectors as describing MEK as a cult that punishes former members. The cables said the MEK leadership ordered the execution of all attempted defectors …

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Iraq: Ashraf Camp will be closed, West should take MKO back home

… The Iraqi government’s position towards the ‘terrorist’ Mojahedin E-Khalq Organization is very clear, and the Ashraf Camp, used by that group as its headquarters must close by the end of the current year, 2011,Baghdad had called on International Organizations to help it in this issue.We have proposed the formation of a special committee, to comprise representatives of the Iranian and Iraqi sides, along with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)…

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MKO must leave Iraq by end of 2011

The Iraqi foreign minister says members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) must leave Iraq, stressing that Baghdad’s stance on the issue is crystal clear.“Camp Ashraf is to be shut down, and members of the [MKO] group have been given until the end of the current year (2011) to leave Iraqi soil,….He went on to say that Baghdad has proposed that a trilateral committee be established to discuss the situation of the terrorist organization.

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MKO crimes against the Iraqi people unforgettable

In a conference in Tikrit in northwest of Baghdad, attended by a number of local officials, tribal leaders, the Iraqis called on the government to put pressure on the organization to leave the country as early as possible. The participants called the presence of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI camp on Iraq soil unconstitutional stressing that the crimes against the Iraqi people by the MKO members are unforgettable.Many here in this conference are of the opinion that Iraq will never see stability as long as MKO members are in the country.

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MKO, June 20, anniversary of collapse of a dream

June is the symbol of tragedy in MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCR history, you may wonder why MKO celebrates June 20th anniversary every year and calls the date as the start of resistance against Islamic regime although they claim that they have renounced violence since June 2001 when they launched a mortar attack at President Khatami’s office in Tehran…Once more MKO propaganda is calling for a gathering in Paris on June 18. The so-called international gathering is attended by Afghans, Kurds, Turkish refugees ..

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Iraq to end the existence of Camp Ashraf

… Under Secretary Hussein Zuhairi, who headed the Iraqi delegation, responded to the statement of a foreign organization [MEK lobbyists] in the Council Human Rights in which she referred to allegations launched by MKO, which live in Camp Ashraf (Camp New Iraq) in order to discredit the Iraqi government in international forums… Zuhairi stressed that the government had decided to end the Organization’s presence in the territory of the country. He also stressed that, “whoever backs the false allegations of the organization should know that Camp New Iraq is part of the territory of Iraq and is subject to Iraqi sovereignty…”

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Iraqi MPs Praise Gov’t for Preventing US Lawmakers from Visiting MKO Camp

“The Iraqi prime minister’s actions to prevent the interference of the American congressional delegation is admirable and we welcome it,”..The Iraqi people have announced their opposition to the presence of the MKO/MKO/PMOI members in their country and have long staged protest rallies in front of the MKO’s main training camp in the Northern Diyala province to condemn the US-backed presence of the terrorist group in their country.

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MEK’s lobbyists do not express the views of the U.S. administration

…Iraq then told the U.S. Embassy Rohrabacher and his five colleagues were no longer welcome in the country. Maliki also refused to let the congressmen visit Camp Ashraf. Iraq wants to expel the 3,000 MEK/MKO/PMOI members.Embassy spokesman David Ranz said Saturday:”Congressional visitors do not necessarily express the views of the U.S. administration or even a majority of Congress. The visitors this weekend made that clear in their remarks.”

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U.S. congressional delegation sets off political bomb in Iraq

After Rohrabacher later announced his investigation to the media, al-Maliki, who’s currently acting minister of defense as well as commander in chief, apparently hit the roof. ..The U.S. Embassy issued a statement explaining that Congress is a separate branch of government whose members often disagree with the executive branch. It said it was important for members of Congress to meet and exchange views with Iraqi leaders, “even when there are disagreements.”..

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New committee to follow”Mojahedin Khalq”file

… The Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Security and Defense, revealed Thursday, that his committee had agreed with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to form a committee to follow up the file of the MKO. He also agreed to raise the financial budget of the military institutions. Said Hassan Sanead, told the Kurdish news agency that the Parliamentary Commission on Security and Defense met with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as a leader of the armed forces and discussed with him the three major security files of the country. ..

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