Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Hundreds in Diala protest against Mojahedin Khalq

… Hundreds of Diala residents staged on Friday a massive protest in front of Ashraf Camp demanding to deport members of the Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) out of the province, Khales mayor said. “The protestors called for deporting the members of the organization for their involvement in supporting armed groups and destabilizing the security condition in Diala,” Uday al-Khadran told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.The members of the organization live in a fenced-off camp in Diala, north of Baghdad. The MKO, which began as part of the Iranian resistance to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi’s rule in the mid-1960s …

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Iraqi demonstrators call on government to expel MKO

Most Iraqis say they are against the existence of the MKO camp and are deeply worried about its secret and illegal activities.Some important figures turned out for the protest including tribal leaders, clerics and local government officials. Protesters shouted:”leave our country”, and carried placards with anti-MKO slogans to express their intolerance towards the presence of a terrorist group that they say has caused so much trouble in their country.

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EU to move Mojahedin Khalq to Canada

… Though Shi’i, these people are very popular with the Iraqi ‘Sunnis’, particularly with the Ba’thists, who abhor everything Iranian, except for the ‘Mojahedin-e Khalq’ organization, to whom the Ashraf City dwellers belong, owing to the close alliance this organization used to maintain with the former Iraqi regime. On the other hand, these Ashraf City dwellers are deeply hated by pro-Iranian Iraqi ‘Shi’is’, basically on account of their alleged role in quelling the 1991 Iraqi Shi’i uprising… a sin for which they have never been forgiven by the Shi’i political parties running the show in Iraq today …

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Ambassador: MKO must leave Iraq

The members of the MKO are not allowed to carry out any activity outside of their camp, known as Camp Ashraf, and that they are not allowed to conduct any operation against Iran either, Al Sheikh told IRNA in an interview published on Tuesday.When the new government took power in Baghdad, it was decided that the MKO/MEK/PMOI members cannot stay in Iraq any longer,Iraqi Ambassador to Iran Mohammad Majid Al Sheikh said..Pointing to the time when the group set up the camp during Saddam’s rule, he said the terrorists took the lands of local farmers by force..

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Iranian FM confirmed the remarks on pardoning Camp Ashraf residents

On Sunday, Danaeifar said all of the residents of Camp Ashraf could return to Iran except for less than 100 individuals who have criminal records. Salehi also confirmed the remarks of Iran’s Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Danaeifar about Tehran pardoning most of the residents of Camp Ashraf,..The members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) fled to Iraq in 1986, where they enjoyed the support of Saddam Hussein, and set up Camp Ashraf in Diyala Province near the Iranian border.. .

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Most MKO members can return to Iran

Tehran has pardoned all the residents of the Camp Ashraf except for less than 100 individuals who have criminal records, and ”the rest can return to the country or travel to wherever they want,..Iran’s Ambassador to Iraq Hassan DanaifarIran’s Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Danaeifar says Tehran has pardoned most of the residents of Camp Ashraf except those with criminal records.“Currently 3,400 people reside in Camp Ashraf, 1,000 of them have already returned to Iran and 750 have requested to leave the camp through the [International] Red Cross,” Danaeifar said on Sunday.

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MKO Begs Iraqi Gov’t Not to Expel Members

The ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization have pleaded the Iraqi government to avoid closing down the terrorist group’s main training base in Northern Iraq and extend the MKO’s presence in the country, a human rights group revealed on Sunday…In a bold and surprising action, Massoud Rajavi, the main ringleader of the terrorist group, had announced earlier that he would evacuate the MKO members from Camp Ashraf only if he received $200mln from the Baghdad government..Iraqi security forces took control of the training base of the MKO at Camp Ashraf in 2009

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Iran grants amnesty to members of Mojahedin Khalq

… In an interview with ISNA, Iran’s ambassador to Iraq Hasan Dana’ifar said that”except for nearly one hundred individuals, against whole cases have been filed at the judiciary, other residents of the camp can return to our dear Iran or travel anywhere else they prefer.”Dana’ifar also said:”Most of those who are at Asharf camp are veteran [members] and [MKO] has not recruited any new member in the past six years; the most recently joined members have been from Europe and Iran.”Elsewhere in his remarks, Dana’ifar dismissed the idea that the Mojahidin are refugees in Iraq and said …

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Give the Mojahedin Khalq an amnesty

… I was at primary school at the time; the father of one of my classmates, Mr. Akbari, was one of those killed in the bombing. After the Iran-Iraq War, the MEK faded from the scene, only to regain prominence when the US invaded Iraq. Thousands of MEK members, most of them middle-aged, were residing in the Ashraf camp when it was taken over by the Americans in 2003. Iran wondered what their fate might be. Eight years later, still nothing has happened to them. Iran won’t have them back and they’re struggling to stay in Iraq. Who’s going to offer a safe haven to 3,500 MEK members, all on the US terrorist list? …

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Will Giuliani invite MEK “freedom fighters” to relocate in Manhattan?

The MEK issued a statement late last week that not only casts serious doubt on their claims to have renounced terrorism but demands that they be allowed to come to the U.S.The group cites a disarmament deal they negotiated with the U.S. as the basis for the demand ..The fact that the MEK is designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization would prevent them from legally coming to the U.S., but an assortment of prominent U.S. politicians, lobbyists, and consulting firms are working to reverse that terror designation…now that the MEK is threatening “resistance at any price” and demanding relocation to the U.S., the question is: will U.S. officials supporting MEK, some of whom have acknowledged receiving “substantial amount” of cash, invite these “freedom fighters” into their own backyards?..

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