Mujahedin Khalq Declining

MKO would leave Iraq by March

The Iraqi National Coalition and other political groups in Iraq as well as Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maleki and President Jalal Talebani are seeking the expulsion of the MKO members, Danaiifar stated.“We think that would happen this year since the expulsion of MKO/MEK/PMOI members is the demand of the Iraqi government and nation,” he added.

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Iraqi people want MEK terrorists out of Iraq

Al-Masar television presented a one hour live discussion on the topic ‘people want Monafeqin Khalq terrorists out of Iraq’. (The term Monafeqin is a religious term meaning hypocrites and is the preferred name among Muslims for the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq cult.)Guests, Mrs Ahlam al-Maliki, head of the Baghdad based humanitarian NGO Baladiyeh Foundation and Anne Singleton, leading expert on the Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist cult..

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Justice Minister: Iraq determined to expel MKO

The Iraqi justice minister says Baghdad is determined to expel members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Camp Ashraf.Hassan al-Shammari made the remarks on the sidelines of a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Morteza Bakhtiari in Tehran..He went on to say that the parliament has voiced support for the move, and at a cabinet meeting, it was decided that the prime minister would oversee the process.Al-Shammari also said that the MKO members are living in a very bad situation and the leaders of the organization do not allow them to leave the camp..

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Iraq FM: Western Countries Who Care About MKO Can Take Them

Following a raid by the Iraqi military on the headquarters of the terrorist group the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari has suggested that “countries who care about the fate and human rights of this group’s action … should welcome them and they should resettle them in their countries.”

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Why Massoud Rajavi looks for victims?

MKO’s ideological leader and the cult’s high ranks need to victimize their rank and file in order to survive. Whenever they fail to take advantage of the services they offer western Intelligence agencies by spying and working as their mercenaries, or they are not given any role in international relationships, they set off for victimization of their members so that they might be able to prolong their survival. Their victims are those members captured behind closed bars of the cult, distanced and uninformed from the outside world. Despite, their entirely inhuman terrorist background..

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Dozens of MKO Members Escape Camp Ashraf

The Arabic-language Nahrainnet website said Iraq’s defense ministry has confirmed that scores of defectors have escaped the camp and sought Baghdad’s refuge.The report pointed out that the move by the MKO fugitives would help further unveil the shocking secrets of the camp (formerly known as Camp Ashraf).The website also stressed that the move by the MKO’s members also proves the Iranian officials’ righteous stance who had said earlier that a large number of MKO members wanted to exit Camp Ashraf..

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Iraqi Foreign Minister Says Camp Ashraf Must Go

… The Iraqi Constitution prohibits the presence of mujahedin or any other militia groups from neighboring countries, whether it’s the PKK [Kurdistan Workers Party], whether it’s the PJAK [Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan], or whoever to have presence on Iraqi territory and to launch attacks against our neighbors. Constitutionally, this is not allowed and the mujahedin or the MEK/MKO/PMOI member [Mujahedin-e Khalq] of the Ashraf camp have to respect Iraqi law..

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Iraq: MKO presence violates constitution

Iraq’s foreign minister says his country will not allow the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) to use Iraq’s soil as a launchpad to conduct its terrorist activities. ..“So they have to abide by Iraqi rules and regulations, and we have called on European countries and others to resettle these peoples in their countries, for them to go on and continue their struggle. In Iraq, their presence is unacceptable,” Iraq’s top diplomat added.

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Iraq determined to expel MKO

raq has expressed determination to expel the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from the country by the end of the current year after issuing ultimatums over the past eight years.In an interview with Fars News Agency in Baghdad, Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said the only option open to MKO/MEK/PMOI members was leaving Iraq.The senior Iraqi official added that helping Saddam Hussein massacre thousands of innocents in Iraq is merely an example of the crimes committed by the MKO.

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Camp Ashraf residents announce readiness to leave Iraq

..a close source at the United Nations office in Iraq as saying, “The senior members of the MKO sent a letter to the UN Special Representative (for Iraq Ad Melkert) yesterday (Friday), in which they expressed (the group’s) readiness to leave Iraq.”“In their letter, the senior members of the MKO called on the UN representative to prepare the ground for the group’s exit out of Iraq and their travel to a European country or the United States,” the source stated.

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