Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraqi MPs Renew Support for Expulsion of MKO

Members of Iraq’s legislative body voiced their support for Baghdad’s recent decision on the expulsion of the member of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq’s soil, and urged the Nouri Al-Maliki’s government to immediately put the decision into effect…Safiyeh Soheili, an independent lawmaker, reminded the terrorist group’s assistance with the former Ba’ath regime’s confrontation against the Iraqi people…

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Lawmakers back decision to expel MKO from Iraq

Some Iraqi lawmakers supported the decision by the government to end the file of Mojahedin-e-Khalq-e-Iran Organization(MKO)..Speaking to AKnews, Zeinab al-Tayee from Ahrar Party accused the organization of”being funded by terrorist groups.”..Tayee said her party backs expelling MKO from Iraq and hoped the decision comes into effect as soon as possible..Tayee reiterated the presence of the group is contrary to the Iraqi constitution, a point frequently raised to criticize Maliki’s government…

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UNHCR: Camp Ashraf residents have to renounce violence before applying for refugee status

A spokesman for the UN High Commission on Refugees, Andrej Mahecic, said residents of Camp Ashraf could apply individually for refugee status, which would help them find a permanent home.But before that could happen, they would have to renounce violence as a means of achieving their goals, which some have refused to do, he added.Shahin Gobadi, a PMOI/MKO/MEK spokesman based in Paris, said the camp residents would be willing to move to the US or EU member states willing to grant them asylum.”We have no intention of staying in Iraq, but there has been no response,”he told the Reuters news agency.

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Deadline Set For Iranian Dissidents To Leave Iraq

The Iraqi government has set the deadline for members of Iranian dissident group being housed at Camp Ashraf in Diyala province to leave the country, stressing that they will be removed from the country by the deadline using”all means”available…ndicating that the Iraqi government was”taking into consideration the wish of the PMOI members to choose the country in which they wish to reside,”Dabbagh added:”We have to find a nation where they can go, and we will look to the U.N. to help.”

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Iraq to deport Mujahideen Khalq by year end

The government reaffirms a previous commitment to deport MKO members, who are based on the New Iraq Camp, by end of this year, he said in a statement.The government”underscores importance of getting MKO out of the Iraqi territories by all means, including political and diplomatic, and in cooperation with the UN and international organizations..

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Diyala calls on Government to expel Washington backed MKO terrorists

… the role of the Mojahedin-e Khalq”was and remains negative in the security landscape through its support for acts of violence and abuse of Iraqis over three consecutive decades”, adding that a clause in the Iraqi constitution, which was voted for by the millions,”indicates that to clearly ensure the state does not allow the presence of any terrorist organization inside Iraqi territory, it is necessary for federal government to expel the Iranian MKO known as terrorists ..

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Iraq: MKO should leave by end of 2011

Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said on Monday that the cabinet is determined to shut down Camp Ashraf located north of the capital, Baghdad, and disband the terrorist group, AFP reported….Dabbagh further underlined that the ministers had decided that the MKO members would be forced to leave Iraq”through all means, including political, diplomatic, and cooperation with the United Nations and international organizations.”

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Government forbids MKO terrorists from operating in Iraq

… Al-Dabbagh says that the government is working to forbid terrorist organizations from operating in Iraq. Ali al-Musawi, media adviser to the prime minister, says that the Iraqi forces were executing a judicial decree to return 50 square kilometers around the camp [Ashraf] to their owners. Al-Musawi described the [Iranian] Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI as a terrorist organization that cannot force an independent country such as Iraq to approve its existence on its territories …

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Politicians in Diala renew rejection to Mujahideen Khalq presence

Politicians in Diala province on Wednesday renewed their rejection to the presence of the Mujahideen Khalq organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI in the Iraqi territories because of its interference in the internal affairs.Speaking to Aswat al-Iraq news agency, Awad al-Rabie, a member of the municipality council of Abi Saida district, said “the council has proof and evidence that assert the involvement of the Iranian opposition group in supporting the armed groups in addition to their continued attempts to flare up sectarian unrests in the country.”..

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