Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraqi CMTE urges seizing Camp Ashraf

… The committee announced in a statement that the numerous crimes committed by the terrorist group should be investigated through legal channels. Addressing the elders of nomadic tribes, the representatives of NGOs and anti-MKO campaigners, the committee reiterated that it will voluntarily and without being forced by the government follow the crimes committed at the hands of MKO terrorists. The committee emphasized that it will stand up for the rights of not only the martyrs but also all the individuals wounded or maimed as a result of MKO’s terrorist acts, adding that it will file a lawsuit to.. .

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The dissolution of Ashraf garrison, an end for the MKO terrorist cult

The aggravation of MKO efforts in removing its name from FTO lists of the world takes place while the Iraqi people and government are seriously objecting this terrorist cult’s presence in Ashraf garrison inside Iraqi soil. Therefore the MKO agents are trying their best to decrease the international pressures for defecting Ashraf camp and hold their power over the lands they have seized from Iraqi people…the efforts of MKO leaders for preserving this camp have tend to focus on those who assume fighting against terrorism merely as a tool for achieving their goals ..

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Ashton Refuses MKO Demand for Supporting Military Attack against Iran

… The group fled to Iraq in 1986, where it was protected by Saddam Hussein and where it helped the Iraqi dictator suppress Shiite and Kurd uprisings in the country. The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran. Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States..

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Court Session Held in Paris on French Intelligence Support for MKO

..Yves Bonnet, the former Member of the French National Assembly and Director of the DST, and MKO’s ringleaders as well as head of the publication that published the fake book were found guilty.Yves Bonnet had paid several visits to MKO’s main training camp, the Camp of New Iraq (formerly known as Camp Ashraf) in Iraq’s Northern province of Diyala..The session was held on March 10 after three individuals who were named in a fake book as elements of the Iranian regime filed a complaint.

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Positive Outcomes of Protests outside MKO Camp

..despite all the suppressive moves made by the MKO, the yearlong protests by the families have yielded good results as families insist on their demand for the release of their beloved ones who are said to be held inside the camp against their will. Defection and escape of a number of MKO/MEK/PMOI members from the camp, increased support of the Iraqi people for the families and demonstration of the Iraqi people outside the Camp of New Iraq are among the positive outcomes of the families’ continued protests..

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Mojahedin Khalq propaganda machine cannot hide the facts at Camp Ashraf

.. Rumsfeld gave ‘Pentagon protection’ to his terrorists in Iraq while the UN and ICRC expressed their concern over the issue and argued (fruitlessly) that the MEK is a paramilitary group, not a civilian population and this designation had no legal basis. But in any case the status would not apply after 2006, a year after the first elections in Iraq – a fact repeatedly corroborated by British, European and American officials…

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MEK: Islamic Socialists to Ba’athists to Right Wing Republicans

… Now they have the support of extreme right-wing Republicans in the U.S. Congress. The MEK (or MKO) have also come full circle with the Arab potentates on the Gulf. They were in good standing during the Iran-Iraq War because they supported Saddam, but after the (Persian) Gulf War in 1990 they were out of favor around the Gulf. Now, with the “wrong” government in Baghdad, the MEK are back in favor among the Gulf oligarchies:..

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Iraqis continue to protest Mojahedin Khalq camp

… Iraqis describe the MKO’s presence in their country as a chronic disease. Some important figures turned out for the protest including tribal leaders, clerics and local government officials. Protesters shouted,”leave our country”, and carried placards with anti-MKO slogans to express their intolerance towards the presence of a terrorist group that they say has caused so much trouble in their country. The tribal leaders want the government to respect public demands and expel the MKO once and for all…

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Thousands of citizens of Diyala Province call for MKO expulsion

..thousands of protestors appealed Iraqi judiciary to punish criminal leaders of MKO…A protestor who was one of the organizers of the demonstration, Habar Al Amuri told Al Sumaria News:”this morning, thousands of Diyala citizens protested against presence of MKO in their territory. They gathered in front of gates of Camp of New Iraq (formerly Ashraf),the organization’s base in Iraq. They asked the government to expel the organization from Iraqi soil.”

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MKO terrorists flee as people-power overtakes Egypt

… Along with the closure of the Israeli embassy, the constant movement of foreign secret service offices in Cairo, a safe house and a dormitory of the Mojahedin-e Khalq in Cairo has been deserted and the personnel have been rushed to one of their bases in Jordan. According to our source (an Egyptian official who has now joined the people) the MEK base in Cairo has been left abandoned with all the belongings left in place.

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