Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraqi parliament leaves Saddamists and Mojahedin Khalq in the cold

… the al-Iraqiyya members had wanted parliament to pass a motion to remove the stigma of Baathism which had barred four of the coalition’s key figures from taking political office. Although not opposed to Mr Talabani’s re-election itself, they had wanted the motion to be passed before the election of the president.”We boycotted the session because we showed good intentions to others, but they stabbed us in the back,”Saleh al-Mutlak, … But despite the walk-out, the parliamentary session continued and MPs went on to re-elect Mr Talabani …

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McCain, Al-Maliki meeting in Baghdad rising hopes for the victims of MKO

..Involvement in a civil war in which it took a strong anti-American and anti-Western stance, was a more extreme leftwing movement than Iran’s Tudeh Communist Party, and regularly used terrorism and assassination during the struggle for power..Involvement in a Saddam Hussein funded and supported military movement attacking Iran during the Iran-Iraq War, and in maintaining such a military movement on Iraqi soil during and after the invasion of Kuwait. Continuing involvement in a low level struggle of terrorism and …

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Mujahedin Khalq and Western Intelligence

Regarding the fact that a terrorist designated organization is not able to own an intelligence satellite, it is interesting that the MKO’s recently published so-called revelations on a new Iranian nuclear site near Qazvin signifies something the US feels is worth looking into…The MKO/MEK/PMOI is plainly not welcome in Iran, not trusted by Iranians, nor should they be trusted by the West. Ultimately the MKO’s relationship with Western intelligence will lead to the cult’s self destruction. And for God’s sake it’s about time.

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MKO Has No Base Amongst Iranians

..What many Americans don’t know is that the MKO/MEK/PMOI, has no base among Iranians. And it should have no base among the few Americans supporting them anyway because the MKO committed murderous acts of terror against Americans…No Iranian would agree with the MKO’s motto that they are “The Voice of Change for a New Iran.” Which Iran is the MKO referring to? The one that has few, if any, supporters? The one full of MKO defectors?..

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Iran to Pursue Expulsion of MKO after Formation of Iraqi Gov’t

… The MKO, whose main stronghold is in Iraq, is blacklisted by much of the international community, including the United States. Before an overture by the EU, the MKO/MEK/PMOI was on the European Union’s list of terrorist organizations subject to an EU-wide assets freeze. Yet, the MKO puppet leader, Maryam Rajavi, who has residency in France, regularly visited Brussels and despite the ban enjoyed full freedom in Europe. Some other ranking members of the MKO who have had a role in the assassination of a large number of Iranian..

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The disarmament and consequences for Rajavi’s Cult

.. the disarmament of Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI became the key factor to break the spell of the members’ minds. They started thinking about their past and future which seemed catastrophic to the leaders. It was just like an enzyme called family that affects all political, strategic and organizational lines in MKO. Eight years past that time, the leaders of cult are still incapable of controlling those minds that are seeking family and future.

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No Aid from the West for MKO Cult

It’s difficult to believe that the MKO’s [MEK/PMOI] spying system is really more reliable than those of the most powerful and technologically advanced nations in the world. Alireza Jafarzadeh bases his recurring allegations on satellite photos that he presents. How can the MKO, a designated terrorist organization own a spying satellite and the US or other nations not know about it? Pentagon Spokesman Geoff Morrell told Agence France Presse,”I don’t know if this site is one that they have discovered that our intelligence experts have not seen.”He adds, “I find that hard to believe but we shall see.”

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MKO Asks for US, Israeli Help to Stop Defection

Following several successful escape plans, the MKO leaders inked an agreement with the US Black Water security firm to block defectors’ escape and tighten control over the camp, the report added.Those MKO members who have succeeded in fleeing the notorious camp have disclosed that the terrorist group’s ringleaders have created a gruesome atmosphere in the camp, specially for women..the group forces the families of its recruits to take part in pro-MKO demonstrations in the western countries

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