Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Impact on the MKO: US Withdrawal from Iraq

As the Iraqi government proceeds with gaining sovereignty after President Barack Obama officially announced the withdrawal of US forces from Iraqi territory [1], the Iraqi people will face consequences. Also facing consequences, but less publicized is the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK PMOI, NCRI), a group which has housed its members there for a number of decades in Camp Ashraf

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Mojahedin-e Khalq lies exposed by Government of Iraq and families

… On this occasion, an 18th vehicle was refused entry for legal reasons, after it was searched by Iraqi soldiers. An Iraqi official at the camp rejected the Mojahedin’s allegation as lies and said the Government of Iraq is doing all it can to assist the people inside the camp and has offered extra help which has been refused (MEK leaders have refused to allow some members who are seriously ill to be transferred to specialist hospital facilities in Baghdad). He also explained that vehicles are searched to prevent illegal items, such as arms, being taken into the camp …

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US citizen confronts MKO protesters

A US citizen has confronted a group of supporters of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) protesting the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to New York. During Ahmadinejad visit New York, the man, who said he was Jewish, objected to the protesters, saying they should have directed their slogans against the US, which he accused of committing crimes… He called the protesters ignorant and said the US supported Israel, which has killed many Palestinians…He told them Israel has many nuclear warheads and they should protest against the real terrorists.

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Describing the Mojahedin Khalq crimes at UN

… Presenting the films about MKO crimes and reading a statement from Iran’s Association of families of terrorism victims were some programs of the association at the UN Human Rights Council. Describing the MKO crimes was so strange for the audiences and they wondered about the violations of human rights’ laws by the terrorist group. The report stipulates that MKO in Geneva attempted to buy politicians and NGOs participating in this conference by paying enormous amounts of money…

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Black Plague – Photos expose the MEK organized crime in Diyala

… The Mayor of Khalis, Alkhaddran said that the Mojahedin Organization had plundered the country and the province, taking over 6000 acres of land in Khalis district. He said they took 80% of the citizens’ plots of land, and pointed out the economic gains for the Judiciary by returning the investment in Camp Ashraf taken by the organization for more than three decades. The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Diyala who emphasised again the demand of the people of Iraq to expel the Mojahedin, said this organisation is logistically and financially behind all the security problems in the province…

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Mr. Einakian;another MKO Cult defector escaped Camp Ashraf

Mr. Alireza Einakian who spent 25 years in Rajavi’s cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCRI] could manage to escape Camp Ashraf at 1:00 a.m. on September 7th 2010. He then submitted himself to Iraqi forces… about the situation inside Camp Ashraf, the members have to travel in the camp in groups of about fifteen in which several high-ranking members are supposed to supervise others. Most of cleaning works of the Camp’s surroundings are done by the commandants and high officials ..

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Iraq considers the presence of Mojahedin Khalq as illegal

… Arguments on who will lead the government is an internal affair and the Iraqi parties will determine who will become the new premier. The Iraqi government considers the presence of the Iranian rebel group Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) on its territories as illegal,” he said. MKO, an Iranian opposition group, stationed in Ashraf camp in Diala since 1980’s when the former regime of Saddam Hussein was fighting the Iranian government from 1980 until 1988 …

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U.S. Official Casts Doubt On Iran Opposition Group’s Nuclear Claim

… Alireza Jafarzadeh, a spokesman for the dissidents, told a press conference on September 9 in Washington that the site was intended as a facility to enrich uranium and was located underground in mountains about 120 kilometers west of the Iranian capital, Tehran. Jafarzadeh described the facility as part a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program. News agencies quoted a U.S. official as saying the U.S. had known about the facility for years and had no reason at the current time to believe it was being used for nuclear purposes …

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Ashraf Resident Escape from the Cult

Mr. Morteza Badanara Marzdashti escaped from Camp Ashraf and joined Iraqi forces on Saturday, August28, 2010.The recently defected Ashraf member reveals that leaving the camp is a really difficult challenge for the residents. They are seriously supervised by MKO[MEK/PMOI/NCRI] leaders who try to terrify them from the consequences of submitting to Iraqi forces…Mr. Marzdashti was recruited by MKO agents in 2002 in Turkey where he was hopeful to find a job. He was taken to Iraq by MKO recruiters who had duped him using their deceitful recruitment tactics.

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US Department of State report transfixed the laughter on MKO lips

… Happiness and rejoice of the Mojahedin-e Khlaq members did not last for a long time and the laughter transfixed on their lips soon. After that the US federal court issued an order to the Department of State for reviewing the terrorist designation of the MKO [MEK/PMOI/NCRI], Leaders of this organization intended to pretend that they had nothing to do with arms and terrorism. Now following the Department of state’s report for keeping the name of this organization in the terrorist list of US, they are completely stupefied…

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