Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Closing MKO terror base in Iraq;More survivors reunite with families

… The top Iranian envoy further said the case is still open on the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO). He expressed hope more MKO members will defect to Iran and return to the bosoms of their families.”Both sides are working on the (MKO) case, and we will be witnessing positive developments in that regard,”said Danaifard.”Five years on since the election results were announced, the premiership question in the country remains unsolved, which affects a whole lot of domestic and social issues as well,”he said …

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Iraq urged to fire MKO members

The MKO aka MEK/PMOI/NCRI is funding armed groups to cause chaos and disorder in central Diyala province, said Ahmed al-Zarkushi, the mayor of Saadiyah district in Diyala, Mehr news agency reported. The mayor further pointed out that the terrorist group has been using Iraq’s wealth more than the Iraqi people..The group is especially notorious in Iran for having sided with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war.

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Discontent spreads in MKO camp in Iraq

Disgruntled members of Iranian terrorist group”Mojahedin Khalq”(MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCRI) based in Iraq have been staging sporadic riots in their ‘Camp Ashraf’ base complaining of forced stay in the camp. Discontent members of the terror group, which colluded with Iraq’s late dictator Saddam Hussein in his eight-year aggression against Iran, have been complaining of poor conditions in the camp and their lack of access to outside and family members..

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US Intelligence Assessments Warn about MKO’s Terrorist Activities

Among the disclosures in the declassified material was an August 2008 US Intelligence Community Terrorist Threat Assessment, which clearly states that”the MKO[MEK/PMOI/NCRI] retains a limited capability to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism”.”The MKO publicly renounced violence in 2001, but limited intelligence reporting indicates that the group has not ended military operations, repudiated violence, or completely or voluntarily disarmed,”the US intelligence report said.

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MKO Remains in US Blacklist

the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), remained in the US list of terrorist groups and organizations despite intense efforts by Zionist lobbies and a number of the Congressmen to delist the group.The US State Department announced in its recent annual report on terrorism that no change has been made in the MKO’s status.

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Why is the PMOI so isolated as a political opposition?

… How can a criminal organization like the PMOI/MKO/MEK, with a bloody record and hands smeared with blood, claim to be a legitimate opposition group? They are criminals and they should be tried in courts of law for their bloody past. They do not have any popularity among Iranian people at all and Iranian people in their recent protests throughout Iran, especially after Iran’s presidential election, showed that not only do they not support the PMOI as an opposition group, but rather …

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The MEK remained in US terror list

Despite all the vast propaganda campaign and pulling any lobbying string, while leaving no stone unturned, for taking the name of MEK/MKO/PMOI out of the US State Department terror list, once again this terrorist group was designated as a foreign terrorist organization.In a new report by the US Department of State office of the coordination for counterterrorism which was released on August 5, 2010, Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization was referred to as a terrorist organization…

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Iraq and the American Pullout: Separate We Must

… MEK also participated in the 1979 take-over of the US Embassy in Tehran and so its members, as designated terrorists, are not eligible for resettlement in the US. Camp Ashraf, however, postpones the inevitable and risks becoming another Guantanamo Bay. MEK/MKO/PMOI members who took part in acts of terror should face justice, possibly through an ad hoc United Nations tribunal …

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Iraqi Kurdistan Deplores US Plans for Moving MKO terrorists to Kurdistan

…”The government of the (Iraqi) Kurdistan region and the central government in Baghdad will in no way agree with such a measure,”Spokesman of Pishmarga Ministry of the Iraqi Kurdistan region … An official of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), who asked to remain anonymous, told FNA on Tuesday that the White House had in a message called on his group to harbor the members of the MKO in the Qandil Mountains at the Iranian borders …

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