Mujahedin Khalq Declining

The DOS responses to previous demands of MKO designation review

… The response well indicates that the State Department has never changed its views about the inclusion of the notorious MKO terrorists and has ever insisted that the group’s designation complied with the governing statute and all constitutional requirements. We have to wait to see how sincere and determined America is in its war against terrorism when it designates a group as a FTO on sound evidences …

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MKO: Sophisticated Extremists who Lack Legitimacy

The Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO,PMOI is such a group that has little national, public support, and in turn lacks legitimacy. By and far, most Iranians will assert that the group is neither an authentic nor viable opposition group and it must be examined more closely by foreign nations, particularly Western foreign nations…The MKO should never replace any form of government in Iran simply because they are not a legitimate group. They are terrorists.

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US govt continues to view MEK as a terrorist organization

The State Department said PMOI”has not shown that the relevant circumstances are sufficiently different”to warrant a change. Material that was declassified in the autumn of 2009 contained allegations that PMOI aka MKO/MEK trained women in Iraq to be suicide bombers, had not ended military operations and that much of its information about Iran’s nuclear program was wrong.

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Interior Ministry announces receipt of arrest warrants for 38 leaders and members of MKO

… The source said, in an interview with Alsumaria News, that the Mojahedin is accused of killing thousands of Iraqi citizens in coordination with the Iraqi security forces to suppress the uprising of March 1991, indicating that the investigations carried out proved the participation of members of the MKO in quelling the rebelling southern provinces and the north.”…

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Iraq begins top MKO members’ arrest

Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for MKO leaders Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi…”We have received a letter from Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court which contains the names of 38 senior members of the MKO,”Fars News Agency quoted Iraqi Deputy Interior Minister Ayden Khalid Qader as saying on Sunday.The letter has called on the Interior Ministry to begin an immediate operation to arrest the criminals and hand them over to the judiciary, he added.

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Iraqi court seeks arrest of MKO leaders for crimes against humanity

…”An arrest warrant has been issued against 39 leaders and members of the organisation including the PMOI’s head Massoud Rajavi, due to evidence that confirms they committed crimes against humanity,”said Judge Mohammed Abdul-Sahib, a spokesman of the Iraqi High Tribunal. Rajavi’s wife Maryam, leader of the French-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the PMOI’s (MKO/MEK) political wing, was also included in the warrant, Abdul Sahib added …

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Spokesman: Expulsion of MKO from Iraq Imminent

Iraq’s authorities are determined to expel the members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from their country as soon as possible, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast underlined on Tuesday..Arrest warrants have been issued by the Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court for the ringleaders of the Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist group, Massoud Rajavi, Maryam Rajavi, Amir Kazemi and 35 other MKO members,..

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Arrest warrants’ issued for MKO leaders

Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for MKO leaders Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi.Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for the leaders of the terrorist Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization, an Iraqi daily reports.Arrest warrants have been issued for Masoud Rajavi, his wife Maryam Rajavi, and 35 other MKO members..The warrants require the Iraqi Interior Ministry and the Interpol to arrest and hand over the wanted figures….

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Mr. Alamdar Shaygan joined his family

Mr. Shaygan, The most recent escapee from the notorious terrorist cult of MKO, returned home and joined his family on 4th July,2010 after twenty two years of membership in the organization, … Mr. Alamdar Shaygan, escaped the MKO terror group on 24th April, 2010 after 22 years..

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Rajavi’s ten days to shake the world

Massoud Rajavi’s call in mid-May for the instigation of the national uprising in a ten-day period, beginning from June 10 to 20, was his granted opportunity for a joint interaction for many others who were also seeking opportunities from outside of Iran. Rajavi thought himself the center-point of a struggle circle to whom all lesser and minor points around had to attach themselves

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