Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Mujahedin in Denial

..Although camp leadership has essentially been told by the Iraqi government that they are no longer protected, the members are still being told they are. Members are still isolated from the outside world, and they are regularly exposed to the groups’ own media. This propaganda campaign, an emblematic tactic for the MKO[MEK/PMOI], keeps members subdued and believing that the organization maintains strength…

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MKO view parents as evil

During the few past days, MKO leaders had some of Camp Ashraf residents interviewed on the group’s TV channel. The show indicated the annoying systematic manipulative pressure on the group’s rank and file. Those who were interviewed on TV were mostly among those members whose families were waiting to visit them at Ashraf gates. The families were prevented from visiting their loved ones by MKO/MEk/PMOI leaders.

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Why Rajavi gave over narrating chronicles?

… Now Rajavi is getting mired in a dilemma to clarify, now that he has started a review of his irreconcilable contrarieties with a revolution, who the perpetrators of terrorist deeds were and what he hoped to gain by these atrocities premeditated against noncombatant and civilian targets. He intentionally evades reviewing the events of the 20 June onward when Mojahedin …

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Support for Terrorist PMOI damaging EU/Iraq relations

… H.E Ambassador Mohammed Jawad Al-Doreky underlined that accepting allegations from people nonidentifiable or writing articles on that matter will not help solving the problem but could bring a lot of damage to the Iraqi – EU relation. In context, he stressed that in Iraq the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI) is considered a terrorist organization….

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Mojahedin Khalq and Iraq – bribery, intrigue and chaos

… what is the benefit for the organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] to stay in Iraq now, without the presence of the former regime which protected them? The numerous statements made by the leaders and officials of the Mojahedin Organization directed across the world are a show of power and capability of the Organization in defiance of the Government of Iraq in particular, and the international community in general …

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Rajavi admits returning to a Zero point

During the last three decades, Rajavi never consented to be in such a full retreat. It has its roots in his pathological delusion and simplistic political views. He is not aware of the fact that all his challenges are not due to his wrong and cursory decision makings yet his ignorance of the internal conditions of Iran and the public view that is the main challenge met by MKO. ..

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Are Ashraf Residents “Protected Person”?

On February 9th, 2010 in a debate in the House of Lords of the UK Parliament on the case of Camp Ashraf, Iraq, Barroness Falkoner of Margavine asked her colleague if the Minister will confirm that these people are not non-protected persons under the Geneva Convention. Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead responded [to] the question by insisting that”any claim to protected persons status by Camp Ashraf residents under the Fourth Geneva Convention has ceased to apply.

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Iraq Blames Mojahedin Khalq for Recent Terrorist Attacks in Khalis

… The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran. Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States, who also argue for the MKO to be taken off the US terror list …

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Statement of De-Baathification Campaign against MKO

According to the researches made by responsible Security Organizations, Muajhedin Khalq Organization was involved in the current explosions in Iraq’s Khalis town which led to the injury and martyrdom of innocent people of the region.” The Iraqis’s De-Baathification movement declared in a statement issued on April, 5 2010.

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