Mujahedin Khalq Declining

MKO in a mire called Ashraf

MEK has been stuck in a sheer pragmatism for more than two decades. The strategy of armed struggle using terror tactics in order to achieve power in Iran did not succeed. MEK’s ideological leader has not been able to realize and analyze the concrete situation and the reality of Iranian society so it has been suffering dizziness. ..

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Maryam Rajavi pushed the organization into a black hole

… Maryam Rajavi has no ability to deal with these problems and merely resorts to matters of appearance, showing off and empty gestures – donning expensive dresses and throwing glamorous banquets and feasts where she preaches about democracy. She has succeeded in bewitching some European politicians, and … Massoud Rajavi is hiding out of fear of being tried in a court of law. But he casts a deceitful and demagogic influence over those 3500 victims stranded in that prison..

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Iraq election irrelevant to Mojahedin Khalq terrorist organisation status in Iraq

… Whatever the result of these negotiations, the emerging government will be a cooperative government whose first priority would be to get rid of insurgency, the remains of the Saddam era terrorists and to stabilise a country torn apart by foreign interference and occupation. The new government (as all the top officials have already emphasised) will not tolerate a terrorist camp

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Reality Check: MKO Terrorist, Marxist

A quick search on MEK ideology, history and the official reports by international bodies, gives you the connotation that the group has not been founded on secular basis and its founders had not been inspired by a secular doctrine….Ali Safavi initially deals with the Marxist label on MEK. He claims that MEK/MKO/PMOI was founded as a “Muslim organization … and its founders sought a secular republic and establishment of a democracy in Iran.”(!)

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New regulation of “no questions” forced inside the MKO camp in Iraq

… According to reports coming out of the camp this practice of exhaustion is even more useful in the case of the known members who have been identified as disaffected. Sahar Family Foundation in Baghdad is urging the international community, human rights organisations as well as the authorities in the Iraqi Government and Western governments to look at the situation of Ashraf Garrison and stop the dangers posed by the leaders of the group against the people residing there …

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Election will finalize fate of MKO in Iraq

“The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, aka MEK, PMOI) presence in Iraq has brought the country much disturbance, since the cult is much close to Iraqi anti-government groups.” Jawad Al-Attar told Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website.“Iraqis generally view terrorist group like the MKO as those involving in the country’s internal affairs, so we should reach a consensus on expelling the MKO as an introduction,” he insisted.

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A lawsuit against the Mojahedin Khalq

Governor of Khales, Khalis Uday Al-khaddran, said he had filed a lawsuit on behalf of the citizens of Khales against the Mojahedin organization for the crimes perpetrated against them. Al-khaddran said that the MKO has held around 6000 dunums of land in Khalis district for more than 18 years

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US: Homeless woman was MKO top terrorist leader

The documents, obtained from Brooklyn court files on Monday, say two confidential informants in Iraq identified Zeinab Taleb-Jedi, 51, as a leader of the Mujahedeen Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. The group was identified in court papers as Mujahedin-e Khalq. One of the informants told the FBI that Taleb-Jedi was on a council”responsible for making leadership decisions for the organization, including approving specific acts of terrorism”against Iran, the papers said.

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Ali al-Dabbagh :MKO have no status in Iraq

we are telling them[MKO/MEK/PMOI] we are working with the organizations, international organizations, to find a third country for them. We cannot keep them and Iraq be their third country. They have no hope to stay in this country..They have no status in Iraq. This is known for us, known for them, known for the United Nations,..

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MP: MKO Gravely Affected by Rigi’s Arrest

The plots hatched by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) for stationing troops alongside Iran’s eastern borders were defused after Tehran arrested Abdolmalek Rigi, the most notorious terrorist ringleader at its eastern borders, an Iranian lawmaker said Saturday. ..Rigi on June 2 admitted receiving assistance from the MKO, but relations between the two anti-Iran terrorist groups had surfaced a long time ago

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