Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Al-Ja’fari:Mojahedin should not be given refuge

… He expressed understanding for”the Saudi fears regarding the situation in Iraq,”and said:”deep dialogue should be conducted with it to give it the necessary reassurances. Likewise, Iraq should not be turned into a springboard for hurting any neighbouring country and that terrorist organizations such as the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq or the Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party should not be given refuge.”…

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Paranoid delusions, Rajavi’s adopted solution

What is of great significance in Rajavi’s 20 January message that seems to be continued for some time is his paranoid delusions. Going through Iran’s past thirty-year history by weaving together distortions and misreports that may only emit from a paranoid mind, he is trying to put the blame of all ideological, political and strategic failures of all these years on external intrigues against his organization..

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MKO begs Iraqis’ help to stay in the country

“An unknown user asked me to contact Iraqi as well as American officials to ask them let the MKO stay in Iraq,” an Iraqi member of an Arab discussion forum told Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website…“We will deliver your letters to the.. he quoted Mustafa ..

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Camp Ashraf, gone with the wind

..Saddam’s granted huge sums of money to MKO/MEK/PMOI cut from the pocket of the oppressed people, and Rajavi’s physical and psychological exploitation of his cult’s victims, turned the scorched piece of land into an oasis that none of the people around it had the right to enter or use.

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Iraqi sheikhs have never backed MKO

Iraqi tribal sheikhs have never supported the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), the sheikh of Al-Birmani tribe said in a meeting with Habilian Association Secretary General…“Saddam Hussein used the MKO intentionally to suppress Iraqi nation,” Sheikh Abul-Hussein Ghadhban said…All Iraqi people hate the MKO due to its cruel crimes..

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Hakim:Iraqi government bound to expel MKO

The Iraqi government is legally bound to expel Mojahedin Khalq Organization members from the country, the political advisor to the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Chairman Seyyed Abdul Aziz al-Hakim said. There are two reasons why MKO group cannot stay in Iraq: from the legal point of view these persons are terrorists and the Iraqi government does not have the right to let them stay in Iraq, and the political reason is that..

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MKO denies Fatah report

On January 21, 2010, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website reported that the official website of the Voice of Palestine (Fatah Movement) would remove all news regarding the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). The report also quoted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as saying “no MKO news should be reported by Palestinian media”.

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Iraqi pro-MKO MP cheats the cult

… Mutlaq receives 10 million dollars from the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) every year to provide them with their needs including food. However, he has not met many of his obligations though he has received 70 million dollars in the last seven years … Saleh Al-Mutlaq has been an ardent supporter of the MKO and has backed their stay in Iraq. Calling the terrorist cult a lover of Iraqis and peace in the country, he was the head of the MKO Backers’ Summit at Camp Ashraf ..

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Official Fatah Website drops all material related to MKO

The Voice of Palestine – Fatah announced that the New Department of the web page was deleting all news concerning PMOI [AL: People’s Mujahedeen of Iran] from the servers and that the Center would not deal with any news of the MEK[AL: Mujahedin-e Khalq – another name for PMOI] from now on. The Technical Center team is working to delete all the links present to these items in global search engines such as Google, Yahoo …

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