Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Blood of Iraqi Children at the Hands of MKO Terrorists

The Iraqi people are familiar with the strong relationship that linked the organization with elements of the former regime and the coalition between them and the fateful military support and material submitted to it by the former system and they will never forget the blood of Iraqi children that has been lost at the hands of these terrorists, and now [the Iraqi people] insist on their right to bring them to trial and justice.

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Mojahedin Khalq lobby clutching at straws

… Camp Ashraf is part of a sovereign and democratic Iraq and the situation there is a matter for the Government of Iraq. We regularly discuss Camp Ashraf with the Iraqi Government, including with the Iraqi Prime Minister and Ministers for Human Rights, Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs. There is no link between the two issues …

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MKO still deserves its terrorist listing

The People’s Mujahidin is sick and tired of being called a terrorist organization by the U.S. government..The government’s lawyer, Douglas Letter, wasn’t about to negotiate with”an organization that for at least 30 years has been involved in terrorism, violence, assassination, et cetera.”He admitted the public record was not sufficient to demonstrate that the group still poses a threat, but he said”it was the classified material”that made it clear that the group still deserves its terrorist listing.

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MKO members to be transferred to Al-Khazra region

The deputy head of the council of Dyala governorate said the Mojahedin-e Khalq members will be transferred from Ashraf Camp to “Al-Khazra” region in near future… “Sadegh Al-Hosseini told the reporter of Iraqi website “Al-Nun”: the MKO[MEK/PMOI] members have resorted to a new kind of dangerous weapon in order to remain in Ashraf Camp. This new weapon is hunger strike, hitting each other by knife or having poison.

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Mojahedin Khalq have no place in Iraq

… Zebari said Baghdad will never allow any armed group to use Iraqi territory as a base to attack its neighbors. He added that Baghdad has taken a series of measures to establish its sovereignty over Camp Ashraf, where the terrorists are currently being held. The MKO has been listed as a terrorist organization by many international organizations and countries, including the United States …

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A look at Maryam Rajavi’s interview with AFP

Maybe Maryam Rajavi doesn’t want to accept the fact that she and her fugitive husband have to be brought on justice due to their terrorist acts and human right abuses committed in their cult. She’d better have look at the limbo Camp Ashraf has been tangled In. the truth is that the case of Camp Ashraf doesn’t enjoy the least value or importance in political transitions of the world. This is what Maryam Rajavi should worry about.

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Iraqis Set to Reclaim Usurped Lands from MKO

Iraqi citizens in the city of Khalis in Diyala province filed lawsuits to regain ownership of their lands usurped by the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), during the rule of the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.”A number of Iraqi citizens have filed lawsuits against the MKO at the local courts in the city of Khalis demanding reparation for the usurpation and occupation of 1500 hectares of their farming lands by the grouplet during the recent years,”Deputy Governor-General of Diyala Odai al-Khadran said.

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A wasteland for MKO to settle

So far, the failure of the Muthana relocation attempt means that the issue of the MKO remains stuck in a stalemate. That is much because nobody is still convinced that the group’s terrorist potentialities are diminished and its link with insurgent groups gut off; it is a risk to have them around..Iraqi Government is to move Ashraf residents to Nuqrat al-Salman, a desolated prison camp. Although MKO has started a vast propaganda blitz to show its strong opposition to the decision, does Rajavi deserves any other place on the earth than a wasteland to wander?

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Iraq: Geneva Conventions ‘not applicable’ to Mojahedin Khalq

… The MKO aka MEK/PMOI, which has been residing in a camp to the northeast of Baghdad for two decades, was exiled from Iran and resettled in Iraq in 1986, where it enjoyed the support of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and US-led forces after the invasion of the country in March 2003 … Salim said that the Iraqi government has taken the very first step to relocate the members of the group from their headquarters, Camp Ashraf, to a camp inside Baghdad under the supervision of the United Nations..

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Iraq Minister : MKO will be removed shortly

Iraq’s Minister of Human Rights Ms. Widjan M. Salim, said on Sunday that the entry into the camp under the supervision of the Iraqi forces was a move”first”to inform them of the determination of the Iraqi government to move them to a camp in Baghdad. .. Salim indicated that”the members of the MKO do not qualify as refugees, and are not covered by the Geneva Conventions, but the Universal Declaration of Human Rights protects them,”noting that the Universal Declaration”stresses the need for humane treatment covered by it..

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