Mujahedin Khalq Declining

New wave of dissatisfaction and disarray in Camp Ashraf

..theforces of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO/MEK/PMOI) inside sections 13 and 15 of camp Ashraf have been distributing written leaflets entitled “death to Rajavi” and “Rajavi lies”…. Sahar Family Foundation asks all relevant Iraqi and international bodies, to intervene to stop yet another disaster committed against the people who are trapped by the MKO leaders in this camp, by opening the doors ..

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Iraqi Maysan residents reject presence of MKO

… [Abd-al-Husayn Abd-al-Ridha al-Sa’idi, chairman of Maysan Governorate Council, addressing a news conference] There are documents proving that, over the past years, this organization and its affiliates were involved in criminal acts and in killing large numbers of Iraqi people in a flagrant manner…

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Shutting down the notorious Ashraf Garrison, the end of treason and crime

Being dedicated and devoted to their supreme leaders , Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, they had to be brain washed and indoctrinated … All those victims who have been captives and hostages for decades in the hands of the cult’s spiritual leaders need to be rescued from that hell hole ,Ashraf garrison, as soon as possible to breathe and inhale freedom and find their real humane essence after all.The only way to do so is to shut down and dismantle the garrison which carries the curse of history on its name for ever. …

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Camp Ashraf to get “terrorist-free” on Tuesday

Camp Ashraf, the home to more than 3000 anti-Iran terrorists, will be removed from the members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) this Tuesday, Iraq said.The Iraqi government called all the media to be in Camp Ashraf on Tuesday, December 15, for a live coverage of the MKO/MEK/PMOI removal from the camp in North Baghdad, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) quoted Al-Wasat news website as reporting.

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Media invited to witness MKO transfer from Camp Ashraf next Tuesday

… The Government has invited the media to attend Camp Ashraf on the fifteenth day of December to cover the transfer of residents to the place allocated to them… The Government of Iraq has decided to move the residents of Camp Ashraf, all of which residents are members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, to another location which has not yet been disclosed. ..The issue of the MKO has been subject to protracted negotiations between the Government of Iraq and the U.S. over the fate of this organization which is classified as a terrorist group by both sides.

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Iraq to transfer Iranian dissident group to Baghdad

Iraq will move exiled Iranian dissidents based at a camp close to the border between the two countries to Baghdad, a government spokesman said on Thursday.”We will move residents of Camp Ashraf to buildings in Baghdad on Tuesday,”he said, without giving details. The members of the People’s Mujahedeen have lived at Camp Ashraf, a refugee base in Diyala province north of the Iraqi capital, for more than 20 years.

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The process of MKO Decline

As Camp Ashraf is the symbol of MKO’s existence and so –called ideology, losing Ashraf equals the loss of MKO leaving Iraq means accepting a huge strategic mistake that the ideological leader made 30 years ago. And that’s what Massoud Rajavi has done in his latest message .. The members have always been told to defend Ashraf in any circumstances. They were ordered to lay down in front of vehicles driven by Iraqi Police when they raided Camp Ashraf on July 28th. They were told to sacrifice themselves to keep the Camp.

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French citizens demonstrate against PMOI

On Saturday, November 28th, 2009, a large number of citizens of Cergy, France gathered to protest the presence of the terrorist cult of Rajavi in their country soil…At the ending phases of the demonstration, a few suppressive henchmen of Rajavi’s cult attacked the demonstrators and hit them on face and eyes. The attackers were sent from Auver Sur Oise to break down the peaceful rally. Three French citizens and an Iranian were injured by MKO/MEK/PMOI agents who were consequently arrested by French police.

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