Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraq stands firm on swift MKO expulsion

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has urged Mujahedin-e Khalq organization to immediately leave the country, saying Baghdad had no place for the MKO.The Iraqi government and parliament have a resolve to expel members of the notorious group after they committed crimes against the Iraqi people, exercised terrorism, cooperated with the Bathists and interfered in domestic affairs, said a statement by al-Maliki’s office.

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Maliki: No place for the Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq

… Our demand is fair, we do not force them to return to Iran and do not allow them to stay permanently in Camp Ashraf. There is no place for them in Iraq after the crimes they have committed against the Iraqi people by exercising their terrorism and because of their cooperation with the Baathists and their interference in Iraq’s domestic affairs …

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The UN monitors the situation in Ashraf

Despite of attempts to demonize the Iraqi government to show a strong objection to the decisive decision of its expulsion from Iraq, Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI) seems not to be intelligent enough to realize that it fails to dupe all the world as it has done with its own insiders. There are those who may be misled by its propaganda blitz that the Iraqi government has packed a number of innocent people inside an isolated camp just in the middle of a scorched desert ..

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Iraq firm on extraditing MKO ringleaders to Iran

Tehran’s chief diplomat in Baghdad has said that Iraq is serious about handing over MKO ringleaders to Iran. Hassan Qazemi Qom told the Mehr News Agency that the Iraqi government is determined to expel the MKO group and it has already taken steps in this regard. ..since the Iraqi people are worried about the behavior of this group in their country and the Iraqi government has put the expulsion of the group on its agenda.

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Iraq to expel Washington Backed Mojahedin Khalq

… Second Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Aref Tayfour, said MKO/MEK/PMOI members must be transferred to a third country far from Iraq and Iran to be unable to infiltrate the borders of the two countries … Late in July, Iraqi security forces stormed Camp Ashraf in Iraq’s Diyala province near the Iranian border and shut it down. Camp Ashraf had been housing some 3,500 members of the terrorist group for years.. The organization is also notorious for using cult-like tactics against its own members and for torturing and murdering its defectors.

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No country willing to accept MKO terrorists on its soil

Underlining the Iraqi government’s official position regarding MKO terrorist group Aref Tayfour said: So far, no country has expressed willingness to accept them in its soil.In a meeting with Iranian parliament speaker on Wednesday and referring to Larijani’s remarks about MKO/MEK/PMOI parasitical presence in Iraq Aref Tayfour also said: The Iraqi government is determined and is doing its best to displace and expel MKO from Iraq but until now no country has been ready to accept this terrorist group.

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Dissident Iranians Live In Limbo In Iraq

… Ali al-Zuhairi, an Iraqi tribal sheik in the town of Khalis, near Camp Ashraf, recalls bitterly how the MEK helped Saddam put down the Shiite and Kurdish uprisings in 1991. Zuhairi claims the MEK killed rebel Iraqis and left their bodies in the street. He calls them”terrorists.”… Refuge in Iraq came at a price, though. Saddam Hussein put them to work against their own country during the Iran-Iraq war. And he had other jobs for them, as well.

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Argentine Diplomat: MKO Testimony to AMIA Case Unacceptable

Argentina’s Charge D’affaires in Tehran Mario Enrique Quinteros blasted the western media for using the testimonies given by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) to the case of a 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural centerin Buenos Aires … The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran …The MKO was put on the US terror list in 1997 by the then President, Bill Clinton, but since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group has been strongly backed by the Washington Neocons..

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MKO in historic isolation

The destructive cult of MKO/MEK/PMOI has always claimed to be the most viable alternative to IRI and its large scale propaganda machine has always tried to deceive Western politicians with this claim.The recent protests after the Iranian presidential election in June took MKO’s card. The international community and Western governments are concentrating on Iranian green movement as the main opposition to Islamic Republic. Western governments, today hope that the green movement could make changes in Iranian policy.

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