Mujahedin Khalq Declining

History and fate of Mojahedin Khalq if expelled from Iraq

a day before the anniversary date of Abolhasan Banisadr’s flight from Iran with [Mas’ud Rajavi] the head of the MKO (seventh Mordad 1360) [29 July 1981], the Iraqi army surrounded Camp Ashraf to begin the countdown to the end of the MKO’ 23-year residence at the base.. It seems that one of the most important reasons for the attack was the MKO’s collaboration with Saddam Hussein in attacks on areas including Khalisiya and killing of various innocent Iraqi Kurds and Shi’a …

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Iraqi government bound to expel MKO

There are two reasons why MKO group cannot stay in Iraq: from the legal point of view these persons are terrorists and the Iraqi government does not have the right to let them stay in Iraq, and the political reason is that the MKO/MEK/PMOI members have perpetrated criminal acts against the Iraqi nation, Mohsen Hakim told the Mehr News Agency on Tuesday.

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Is Jordan the next option for MKO settlement?

following the collapse of the camp Ashraf, which was based for many years in Iraq to bring members of the”People’s Mojahedin Organization”(hypocrites) together, the leaders of the terrorist organization, are thinking of transition from Iraq to another Arab country. .Maryam Rajavi has recently traveled to Jordan to take permission from the Jordanian authorities and demand the officials of the country to accept the members of the MKO in Jordan.

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Hundreds in Diyala, Iraq staged rally against the MKO

hundreds of people of Diyala province staged rally in protest against MKO on Monday in”Al -Khalis”90 km Northeast of Baghdad where the MKO headquarters, Camp Ashraf is located..the demonstrators included tribal leaders, intellectuals and students from different regions. The protestors chanted slogans against terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization and asked for their immediate expulsion from the Iraq territory.

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Maliki Underlines Expulsion of MKO Members from Iraq

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday stressed his government’s resolve to expel members of the anti-Iran terrorist group, Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), from his country..Iraqi security forces took control of the training base of the MKO at Camp Ashraf – about 60km (37 miles) north of Baghdad – last Tuesday and detained dozens of the members of the terrorist group. The Iraqi authority also changed the name of the military center from Camp Ashraf to the Camp of New Iraq.

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MKO not to be welcomed in Pakistan

With Iraq determined to rid its soil of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), members of the terrorist group set out to seek political asylum in Pakistan.After the Pakistan-based Jundullah terror group admitted to receiving MKO support and assistance, Iraqi National Security Adviser, Mowaffaq al-Rubaie, said the soon-to-be expelled group may decide to move to Pakistan. ..Pakistani officials asserted that they would never allow MKO terrorists station themselves in their country and threaten the interests of their neighboring states.

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Reuters:Iraq says Iranian exiles not allowed to stay

Iraq’s state security minister said on Tuesday that no Iranian exiles[MKO/MEK/PMOI] living in Camp Ashraf on the border with Iran would be granted asylum in Iraq, including 56 he said were wanted in Iranian courts…Iraq’s Shi’ite-led government has said it wants to close the camp and send residents to Iran or a third country, a proposal they are bitterly resisting. The dissidents fear they will be imprisoned or executed if they are sent home.Iraqi Minister of State for National Security Shirwan al-Waeli said his country had no qualms about sending them back.

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Iraq will not grant asylum to MKO members

Iraqi Minister of State for National Security Shirwan al-Waeli says Baghdad will not grant asylum to any Iranian living at Camp Ashraf..The Iraqi government has declared that it wants to close the camp and send its residents to Iran or a third country.. .Last week, Iraqi security forces stormed the camp that housed members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) and seized control of it.

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Iraq gives MKO a month to leave

The Iraqi government has set a month-long deadline for members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) to leave Iraqi soil.”Members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) at Camp of New Iraq have to comply with the one-month time limit to leave Iraq. The organization members should either return to Iran or seek asylum in a third country,”Diyala province’s Police Chief Major General Abdulhussein al-Shimari told reporters on Saturday.

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Iraqi official : MKO has no choice but leaving Iraq

Iraqi Diala Province Police chief said that members of Mojahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) in ‘New Iraq Camp’ (formerly Ashraf Camp) has no choice but leaving Iraq… the committee for investigation of ‘New Iraq Camp’ dossier has determined a one-month deadline for them ( members of MKO/MEK/PMOI) to depart Iraq, and they have to decide on either returning to their homeland (Iran) or leaving for a third country.

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