Mujahedin Khalq Declining

A debate over Camp Ashraf

I have no knowledge of intimidation in the manner that the noble Lord suggests..My Lords, the answer is already in the noble Lord’s question. Iraq is a democratic and independent sovereign state. The United Kingdom, and even the United States, which handed over control of the camp from 1 January, have to recognise that fact. However, that does not prevent us making representations, hence my invitation for any evidence.

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MKO provoked post-vote unrest

An Iraqi security official says the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) triggered the recent post-election unrests in Iran. National Security Advisor Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said in an interview with al-Hayat that certain members of the terrorist group had instigated and fomented the recent political unrest in Iran..The MKO is blacklisted as a terrorist organization by many international entities and countries, including the US.

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Elements of Mojahedin organization in Tehran Riots

He added that “Our intelligence confirms the presence of very small groups, few in number, including elements of the Mojahedin organization(MKO/MEK/PMOI) in opposition to the regime, which infiltrated demonstrations in protest against the results of the presidential election, which escalated the protests and demonstrations into riots”.. we have enhanced our intelligence level of preparedness and readiness on the border with Iran, ..

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Tension Grows Over Plans to Close Camp Ashraf

The prospect of a change in Iran’s government is viewed by many to be as unlikely as the MEK’s hope that Iraq will change its mind about shutting down a camp that has been a major irritant in Iranian-Iraqi relations.. The prospect of a change in Iran’s government is viewed by many to be as unlikely as the MEK’s[PMOI/MEK/MKO] hope that Iraq will change its mind about shutting down a camp that has been a major irritant in Iranian-Iraqi relations..

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The curious case of Iran’s Mujahedin

the People’s Mujahedin, otherwise known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq, called monafeqin (hypocrites) by their detractors and either PMOI, MKO or MeK for short, have been around for nearly half a century..Iranians who live in Iran regard the PMOI as totally marginal to contemporary politics. At best it’s seen an embittered faction whose main constituency is gullible western politicians. At worst, its members are regarded as lunatics who sided with the enemy..

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Democracy As Usual in Iran

… The MKO-MEK can be best described as the Persian speaking wing of the degenerated Iraqi Baath Party and an earlier species of Al Qaeda back in early 1970s– a contemporary of the Red Brigades and the Baadermeinhof terror organizations in Europe. For decades, it has been designated as a terrorist group by most countries. They murdered American military advisers in … MKO was on Saddam’s payroll to kill Iraqi Shiites, in exchange for having a base in Iraq.

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Judge Underlines Iraq’s Resolution to Expel MKO

Head of Iraq’s Court of Appeal judge Munir Haddad said that Iraq’s people and government are resolved to expel the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from the country…Haddad further condemned the US support for terrorists in Iraq, and underlined that the MKO has played an active role in sowing discord and violating peace in the country..MKO has long sought to stir political feud between Iranian and Iraqi brothers, but its efforts have backfired and caused closer ties

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In Iran Crisis, Paris Exile Group Plays Disputed Role

the reality described by Iran experts. Diplomats, academics and intelligence officials say most people inside Iran want nothing to do with the NCRI or its primary member organization, Mujehadine-e-Khalq (MEK) — whose bloody attacks on the Iranian regime in the 1980s and ’90s landed it on the U.S.’s terrorism list. Experts say the NCRI’s support in Iran is now tiny and its international base is shrinking. ..”..the supporters in [Iran] … have all mostly vanished,”says Olivier Roy

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The day a terrorist cult was raided

On 16 June 2003 the French best-known anti-terrorist judge, Jean Louis Bruguiere, issued a detention order accusing MKO of”terrorist activities, association with a terrorist organization and financing terrorist operations”. Shortly after 6 am on 17 June 2003 more than 1.200 police and gendarmerie forces launched the largest police operation in three decades to raid 13 MKO-run offices in outskirts of Paris

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US combat help not needed after June 30

This pull-out includes the 25 US soldiers based at Camp Ashraf for the protection of Massoud Rajavi. The MKO is staging a carnival-rally in Paris on June 20 as a last ditch attempt to force American support for the cult. It is unlikely that PM al-Maliki will change his position based on such a rally..Iraq PM says government would only request American logistical assistance after US pullout

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