Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraqi PM: Mojahedin will never operate from Iraq

According to the London based Al Sharq Al Aawsat newspaper, Noori Almaliki the Iraqi prime minister said: Concerning the Mojahedin Khalq presence in Iraq he said: Under no circumstances would their presence in Iraq be acceptable. Irrespective of some speculation that this may be due to pressure from Iranians or non Iranians, I should emphasise clearly that even if Iran asks us to keep them in Iraq, we will not allow this. This is a terrorist organisation present in various lists of terrorist entities across the globe ..

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Iraq is adamant about expelling terrorists

Al-Rubaie also said his government is adamant about expelling the terrorist MKO group from the country. “It is impossible that we allow this group stays in Iraq because this issue contradicts our constitution.” He added the MKO had “committed crimes against the Iraqi people.” He said the only alternative facing the MKO/MEK/PMOI is returning to Iran or going to a third country. Al-Rubaie announced in March that Iraqi security forces have besieged Camp Ashraf housing members of Mojahedin Khalq Organization.

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Calls for MKO expulsion from Iraq increased

a conference held in the holy city of Karbala to discuss the negative effects of the existence of the Terrorist organization of Mujahedin in Iraq. The participants demanded the organization out of their homeland and closure of their Camp [Camp Ashraf]..The conference held while Iraqi government is seriously determined to close MKO’s[PMOI/MEK] case and to expel them out of the Iraqi soil since the group’s presence is a flagrant violation of the constitution and the sovereignty of Iraq.

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Betrayal of freedom for the cause of freedom

Good news as it may seem, MKO stresses that, if not publically and officially declared, it is no more adhering to an armed policy in its struggle against Iranian regime. But the organization totally disregards the fact that those who claim to be supporting the establishment of democracy in a country should first themselves hold onto the principles of democracy. Cunning claims, while the organization’s main military camp is still heavily run and guarded under the same unchanged military disciplines and practical cultic ideologies in Iraqi Camp ..

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MKO begins Camp Ashraf departure

A number of Mujahedin Khalq Organization members reportedly leave Camp Ashraf after Baghdad started a countdown to remove the group from Iraq. Some dissident MKO members aim to return to Iran as the terrorist organization has denied its members the right to choose an alternative place to stay. The dissidents have held a press conference in Baghdad where they complained of their”tough situation”in Camp Ashraf

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Consensus to end MKO presence in Iraq

Rashid al-Azzawi, deputy head of Iraqi political party of Tawafogh (Accordance Front), said that resolving the problem of the presence of the MKO and PKK in Iraq will ease tensions with Iran and Turkey. Al-Azzawi asked the Iraqi government to persuade Iran to issue an amnesty for the elements of the Iranian People’s Mujahedeen, or the issuance of passports over to them to choose another country.

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Iraq Plans to Start Expulsion of MKO in Weeks

Iraqi Minister of Displacement and Migration Abd al-Samad Sultan said Baghdad would most likely start practical measures for the expulsion of thousands of anti-Iranian terrorists from the country within the next few weeks. The required coordination has been done for the expulsion of 3,000 members of the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), from the Ashraf camp near Baghdad.

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Unwanted guests, Iraq’s controversial issue

As Mr. Mutlaq defines, these convicted members are the oppressed who need to be provided with help and support. Where the interests of the nation stand and who is responsible to defend themif they ever have any priority, is a question that none of the likes of Mr. Mutlaq can ever find a solution for. MKO might be a complex issue to deal with, but the Iraqi government has coped with it cleverly and will put an end to it whether its advocates like it or not.

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Iraq’s National Security Advisor on MEK

In an interview with Anne Singleton of Iran-Interlink, Dr. Mowaffak al Rubaie, clarified his approach to the Government of Iraq’s decision to remove the Iranian terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK, aka MKO, PMOI) from the country..Asked what can the UK , European and other western governments do to help resettle the MEK, Dr. al Rubaie replied,”These governments can agree to allow their citizens and others who have status in their country to return.”

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Iraqis preparing to expel MKO

The Iraqi administration has made the necessary provisions to expel members of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalgh Organization (MKO) from Iraq, the Asharq Alawsat newspaper reported on Sunday. .Mowaffak al-Rubaie, has not allowed doctors to enter the Camp Ashraf, the MKO headquarters, to put pressure on the group to leave Iraq soon. .The Washington Post had earlier quoted al-Rubaie as saying that his government plans to move members of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization from its sanctuary to a location where leaders and “brainwashed cult members” will be separated and the latter “detoxified”.

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