Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraq stands by anti-MKO drive

Iraq says it is standing by a decision to shut down Camp Ashraf and end the terrorist Mujehedin Khalq Organization’s presence on Iraqi soil. “MKO members who are residing in Camp Ashraf (inside Iraq) should either leave Iraq for Iran or a third country because they won’t be granted permission to stay in Iraq,”Iraq’s National security Advisor, Mowaffak Al-Rubaie said in a televised interview with Al-Alam TV network on Sunday.

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Joint committees formed to receive Ashraf Camp detainees

… The committee in charge of ending the presence of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization [MKO] in Iraq has held a periodic meeting under National Security Adviser Dr Muwaffaq al-Rubay’i and in the presence of the minister of human rights and the US ambassador to Iraq. Al-Rubay’i stressed the need to expel this organization from Iraq …

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Arrest warrants for 14 top MKO terrorist Leaders

al-Rubai went on to say that Iraqi courts have issued arrest warrants for 14 MKO members…“The MKO[PMOI/MEK] is a terrorist group and a cancerous tumor in Iraq; The crimes and sins the group has committed are evident and well-documented. Several thousand Iraqi citizens have fallen victims of the terrorist organization and we have provable evidence, that we will submit them to Iraqi courts,” said al-Rubai in an exclusive interview with IRNA.

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The MKO movement is in decline

the movement is in decline already .Since the late nineties the internal dissent in Camp Ashraf is increasing and with the fall of the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein, the MKO will be deprived of their basic logistics..we believe that the leadership of MKO[PMOI/MEK] should answer the killing of civilian Kurds…we are sure that the meetings in Europe with several supporters and / or members of MKO led you to find them available and courteous.

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EU will take Mojahedin Khalq back to Europe

There is now a new attitude in Europe towards the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization. God willing, the European states will reach a solution according to which they will accept them there. This group’s stay in Iraq is no longer accepted by the people and government. I can tell you that the leadership of this group committed big mistakes in the past. It cooperated with the dictatorial regime in the fight against the Kurds and the Shi’is in the central and southern regions.

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Egypt rejected MEK’s support demand

Egyptian diplomatic sources said Egypt has ignored a request by the delegation of the People’s Mojahedin Organization (MKO) that visited recently to demand the support of Egypt for the MKO/PMOI in the face of growing Iranian influence in Iraq. The source noted that in regard to the strained relations between Cairo and Tehran, which asserts that it can tolerate no more tension, the existence of disparities and problems in the relations in the recent period does not mean interference of Egypt in Iran’s internal affairs.

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Baghdad serious to expel terrorist MKO

Iraqi government has asserted any decision against its policy to expel the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) has no impact on Baghdad decision, Iran’s ambassador to Baghdad told ISNA. The moves and activates in Iraq show the government is serious about its decision for expulsion of the MKO, Hassan Kazemi Qomi said on Tuesday.

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Iraq resolute to expel MKO despite EU decision

Baghdad is determined over expulsion of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) from Iraq despite the EU decision to remove the group from its blacklist, the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC) political adviser told ISNA on Monday..The MKO/PMOI/MEK is a terrorist organization under the UN and Security Council resolutions before and after the 11 September attacks and according to Iraq’s constitutions support for terrorism is prohibited and illegal, he added. The members of MKO are neither war captives nor refugees thus have no legal position in Iraq, he explained.

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Accepting Iranian Ben Ladan batters European Council Legitimacy

Never accept Iranian Ben Ladan in the European parliament to batter the popular legitimacy of the European nation’s House. Undoubtedly, Maryam Rajavi (Iranian Ben Lad an) the leader of the People Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) is more dangerous and vicious than Afghan Ben Lad an… The west should be on a high alert not to be decoyed by her new sham guise as an advertisement released via her recently under the title of “the ten- point platform for future Iran” in US daily news paper, the Washington Times in January 14 issue. Mr. President, please pay attention to my reasons as a live witness and her victim during last twenty years who has been under her authority and cage in Ashraf garrison situated in Iraq. Meanwhile, I have been separated from Mojahedin cult a year ago and came to France.

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Iraq to Extradite Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists

… While Iraq plans to extradite heads of Rajavi cult (MKO/PMOI/MEK)who have”Iranian blood on their hands”, European council is to announce today if they are terrorist no more!! read related news and analysis … Iraq plans to extradite members of an anti-Iran terrorist group who have”Iranian blood on their hands,”Iraq’s national security adviser said Friday during a visit to Tehran. “Among the members of this group, some have the blood of Iraqi innocents on their hands (and) we will hand them over to Iraqi justice, and some who have Iranian blood on their hands we can hand over to Iran,”said Muwafaq al-Rubaie.

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