Mujahedin Khalq and Human Rights

The sole victims of MKO cult are its members and their families

Long enslaved in Camp Ashraf and now located in a temporary transit location near Baghdad, the members of MKO are denied of the right to life and liberty and are kept against their will. They are not allowed to have any form of contact to the world outside and even with their family members many of whom have long requested and are waiting at the gates of the camp to see their children and relatives.

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Majid Mohammadi speaks of cult-like practices at TTL

I mean that the organizational control and cult-like practices exercised by the Rajavis, at Camp Liberty was worse than those applied at Camp Ashraf. MKO leaders knew that Liberty is not like Ashraf. It’s not an isolated, closed location with no access to the outside world so they enhanced the organizational control in Liberty to prevent defection and eventually the collapse of the cult.

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IVTC to introduce Iran MKO as terrorist

In a sign of how even the world’s conservative governments increasingly refuse to support the People’s Muhajeddin Organization of Iran (MKO), an international conference sponsored by France’s Nicolas Sarkozy included Iranian victims of what many say is nothing but a terrorist “cult.”

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Picketing families’ gathering against Ashraf gates

The Iraqi officials present in the gathering unanimously believed that just the American forces left in Iraq support the MKO and they stand against the Iraqi government and judiciary system who want the cult to leave Iraq and its leaders be prosecuted. They understand that the Rajavi cult does not respect human rights of its members and deprives them of medicine and treatments and access to information and even family visits.

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MKO Ringleaders Resort to Mass Murder to Come out of Crisis

An Iraq-based right group unveiled that ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) have resorted to various forms of mass killing in a bid to bring the group out of the current impasse in Iraq…According to a report by Iraqi daily Motamar.. the Iraqi right group has sent serious warnings to civil society and human rights bodies as well as the Iraqi government about the ongoing humanitarian disaster in the MKO’s main training camp in Northern Iraq.

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Mr. Piransar Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

… As a veteran and former member of this organization and according to my own knowledge of their internal relations and their thoughts and ideology, this is my humane duty to warn you that do not trust them by no means and do not be deceived by their beautiful slogans which are totally hollow and meaningless for them. This organization[MEK/MEK/PMOI] is not just “suspect of terrorism”, it is a terrorist organization itself which has come on the political stage equipped with glamorous and deceitful slogans and…

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