Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

PMOI on the Canadian Criminal Code list of terrorist entities

Mojahedin Khalq Organization maintains on the list after it was first listed on 24 May, 2005. The Canadian Minister of Public Safety, the Honourable Peter Van Loan announced completion of the two-year review of the Criminal Code list of terrorist entities, and that the Governor in Council has accepted his recommendation that the forty-one entities currently listed should remain on the list.

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Letter to The Secretary-General of the UN

the British High Court’s decision, the terrorist label was wiped from the Mujahedin Kalgh Organization /MKO/PMOI. The same organization that shed the blood of many Iranians, and began a form of new genocide in Iran and Iraq, and as a paramilitary group, committed the worst types of terror attacks in the form of bombing public places and political party headquarters, killing of women and children, assassination of the intelligencia of the civil society, all of which have been embedded in our memories as equal crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge.

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A U turn toward being a political organization

Informed political sources know so well that the MKO has devoted all its resources in the past five years in concentrating on coming of the lists of terrorism; and of course with no success to date….this is not to say that the Mojahedin have rejected their original ideas as they try to pretend by signing secretly kept papers behind the closed doors of a court. The realities of today’s world as the MKO put it themselves and blame the Iranians for it is the ‘dark tunnel’ which is forcing the Mojahedin Khalq to change itself from a military to a political organisation.

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Half-measures by European Union

the decision makers of the European Union should not be overly concerned with the freeing or not of the MKO’s assets (while the group apparently has millions of euros to spend on legal fees) but should be concerned instead with freeing its 3000 militants from enforced membership of a paramilitary group

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A Misunderstood Court Judgment

We do not know exactly when and where these four stated courts ruled removal of the terror tag from the organization, but if she means the last case judged by the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg on 23 October 2008 it has to be stated that she has misunderstood the judgment. The court never judges that European Union has wrongly blacklisted the organization on its terrorist list and that it has to be removed.

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11 September and MKO’s Tactic of Duplicity

Hardly anyone doubts that al-Qaeda perpetrated 11 September attacks had a great impact on Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization, or Mojahedin cult, to make a shift in its terrorist conducts. The global reaction against the attacks and a shown decisiveness to combat against the abominable phenomena of terrorism made MKOto denounce armed activity if not in nature but provisionally in words.The US invasion of Iraq as 9/11’s aftermath and the consequent fall of Saddam actually deprived MKO of a bountiful, reliable strategic ally …

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