Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

Mojahedin Khalq to be put in UK terrorist list once again

Member of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Javad Karimi said a number of the UK parliamentarians had in a meeting with several members of his Commission said the UK parliament and government will follow the European Union in putting theMujahedin Khalq( MKO) in their terrorist list once again soon.

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EU officials: Keep MKO blacklisted

A number of EU parliamentarians, in a letter have slammed a British court decision to remove the MKO from the British terror list. The letter adds, the MKO claims to be a democratic Iranian opposition, while it is instead a terrorist group with totalitarian ideals.

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MKO miantains its position on EU blacklist

The EU officials have declared that the decision to keep the MEK on the list of the terrorist groups is not related to the Western efforts to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program, Reuters reported. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana will meet Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili in Geneva on Saturday to discuss Tehran’s response to an incentives package proposed by world powers to Tehran.

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EU keeps MKO on banned list

The EU, in a decision slipped out without fanfare, said it saw no grounds for amending the list of 48 groups subject to asset freezes and other sanctions in Europe.”Consequently, the Council has decided to maintain those persons, groups and entities on the list,”the decision published in its Official Journal said.

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Accomplices in MKO crimes

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here Friday that countries involved in removing the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) from the terrorists’ list are accomplices in the terrorist crimes committed by the grouplet.

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The newly released list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists

Alphabetical Listing of Blocked Persons, Specially Designated Nationals, Specially Designated Terrorists, Specially Designated Global Terrorists, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers – …MUJAHEDIN-E KHALQ ORGANIZATION (a.k.a. MEK; a.k.a. MKO; a.k.a. MUJAHEDIN-E KHALQ; a.k.a. MUSLIM IRANIAN STUDENT’S SOCIETY; a.k.a. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF RESISTANCE;..

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Iran not pleased with Polish students Mujahedin party

Saturday’s ‘party’ thrown by the People’s Mujahedin,was attended by several thousand young Poles. They travelled to France after being offered the journey at a cost of under ten euros conditional upon taking part in an accompanying demonstration…..“It is very important for academia, and especially students, to cut themselves off such terrorist organisations. It is regrettable that this organisation deluded the Polish [students],” said the Ambassador.

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London responsible for MKO terrorist acts

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, talking to reporters, denounced London’s move to remove the name of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization from its terrorist blacklist.”The British government which supports the terrorist MKO should accept consequences of its acts,”he reiterated.

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PMOI seek to be rid of terrorist label

The controversial People’s Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI) held a grand assembly in the Paris suburbs Saturday….The movement, which claims to have welcomed 50,000 people last year, had some 60,000 guests this year. Figures which journalist Alain Chevalerias doubts. The author of Brûlé Vif (Burned Alive) spent one year observing the Mujahedeen and their leaders Maryam and Massoud Radjavi….. “In their meetings, there are usually more chairs than guests. They boost their numbers by recruiting Afghani extras ..

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