Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

Iranian Opposition Group Seeks Legitimacy In US

A cult to some and freedom fighters to others, the National Council of Resistance of Iran and its affiliate groups typify the gray areas in the often black-and-white world of the war on terror. While Mujahedin /PMOI have been designated foreign terrorist organizations by the U.S. State Department, the groups’ members still maneuver between the restrictions aimed at disabling them.

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Britain’s Immoral Support of Terrorists

Since April 2003, American and other military forces have protected Camp Ashraf , Iraq . The MEK terrorists could not continue terrorist activities from Camp Ashraf , Iraq without the approval of American military forces. There have been numerous reports in the American media of the use of the MEK terrorists by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and by the American Special Forces in Iran and in areas surrounding Iran for spying and for terrorist activities. There have been additional reports of MEK terrorist activities since 2003 in the Iranian media

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Does a Ruling Change the Truth?

Would it ever acquit a criminal of his committed crime if he merely washed off his blood-stained hands? In the same way, the removal of a terror tag from a notorious terrorist group with a long history of perpetrated terrorist atrocities against a nation will not change anything. Some may congratulate Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) for the ruling to be removed from the UK terror list and some may be shocked and dismayed

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London’s new policy of using terrorists in the region

“This ruling will without a doubt isolate the UK,”Hosseini cautioned, adding that the move was in line with London’s new policy ‘to use the terrorist card’ to step up pressure on regional nations and governments. “By adopting a policy of supporting terrorist groups, it (Britain) is pursuing certain provisional interests.”

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Mujahedin Khalq out of Iraq, into Britain

Mr Brown has ordered Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, to ban the PMOI’s military wing instead, The Times has learnt. The Prime Minister is said to be keen to take on the courts following the decision to free the radical cleric, Abu Qatada, on bail.

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Errors in UK Court Decision

A recent UK Court of Appeals decision to uphold a lower court ruling that PMOI (MEK, or MKO) is no longer “concerned in terrorism” revealed serious flaws and a lack of sophistication in the UK legal framework when it comes to combating terrorism. In addition to other vital means, a serious fight against terrorism requires a mature legal system that could not be easily manipulated by deceptive tactics …

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Lord Colbert does not do his title justice

The case of Mojahedeen-e Khalg (MEK) showcases the ever present imperial influence of the West in defining the ‘other’ due to the ownership of language. The hypocrisy is stark given that the U.S. with the help of her ally the British waged a ‘war on terror’ which has resulted in the death of over a million people to date. Yet, a certain Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, a member of the House of Lords from Gordon Brown’s ruling Labor Party, has coauthored an opinion piece with Congressman Bob Filner …

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Open Letter to UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown

the ruling has led to an increased tension that may face your country with new challenges. Although your government has insisted that it will ensure that public safety is not endangered by de-proscription of the terrorist MKO, and as the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith reiterated”We will ensure that the safety of the public is not in any way jeopardised by this and tighten legislation if necessary”, it might imply that ..

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MKO Should Be listed a Terrorist Group

Expounded by Sattar Orangi on April 19, 2008, the poisonous Barren Land that has devastated many lives of its own inhabitants and was the main terrorist bastion in accomplice with Saddam to plot against Iranian people cannot possibly bloom flowers of peace and democracy. The piece of land the ousted dictator once granted to the vipers is still the focus of …

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MEK and the Terror Lists

Following my response to Patrick Clawson’s piece of April 25, I received several inquiries about my views of MEK and its recent launching of a massive deceptive campaign aiming to remove the group from the list of the Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) published and maintained by the State Department in the United States.

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