Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

Autopsy of a paradoxical dealing with MKO

According to a number of political analysts, the dual stance might be the result of internal political disparities among the parties. But it has to be noted that regardless of all disparities, the parties reach a consensus when it comes to confront any alien element that imperils the country’s general interests.

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Proscribing terrorists – good or bad politics?

In an article released by Global Politician, Mr. Gale claims that blacklisting Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK) as a terrorist organisation first by the US in 1997, which was followed by the UK in 2001 and the EU in 2002, was a task to appease Iranian regime. I doubt that Mr. Gale has failed to have access to published reasons by the mentioned countries for proscribing MKO

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Al- Qaeda front appeals to unfreeze assets

the EU disputed the ruling and kept the organization on a new version of its list. On December 22, 2007 the European Union published its official Journal in which it updated the Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repeated Common Position 2007/448/CFSP. But the move by MKO to challenge the EU and lodge an appeal against the EU’s decision seems to have encouraged other blacklisted persons to make a try.

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Britain accused of failing to outlaw banned terror groups

The countries include Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and Turkey. Iran has also voiced criticism. America, Britain’s closest ally, is known to have serious reservations about the Government’s commitment to enforcing the law. The Terrorism Act 2000, which was introduced by Jack Straw, now the Justice Minister, was supposed to prevent London becoming an important terrorist hub, where groups were able to raise funds, distribute propaganda and plan terrorist operations.

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MKO and the Aftermath of Recognizing POAC’s Judgment (2)

..MKO reveals the reasons for its adopted strategy of armed struggle based on Marxist-Islamic eclecticism. Mojahedin were on the belief that armed struggle was an inevitable consequent of a historical determinism; any intransigent attitude would be equal to that of a reactionary. Although at first it was hard for the Westerners to comprehend what was lying behind Mojahedin’s ideology, but some later made references indicate that they were developing a real understanding of Mojahedin’s ideological infrastructure and methodology..

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Iranian students union thanks EU for keeping MKO on terror list

In a letter released on Saturday, Iran’s Union of Islamic Students Association (UISA) in Europe has thanked the European Union for its decision to keep the terrorist Mojahedin Kalq Organization (MKO) on the blacklist of terrorist organizations. The letter, a copy of which provided to Mehr News Agency, is addressed to Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga, the European Union foreign policy chief

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The EU keeps MKO on its terror list

…The document published the official Journal of the European Union on Dec 22nd included the list of persons, groups and entities referred to in Article 1 of the document. On page 113 of Legislation 340, you can consider Muajhedin-e-Khalq listed as a proscribed Organization by the EU …

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Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) and the Aftermath of Recognizing POAC’s Judgment

Although the group announces its preparedness to exchange information with any concerned legal institution about MKO’s activities in the UK, Iran and Iraq, it is of great significance to announce if it has ever arranged to revise and make changes to its so far practicable organizational principles both within MKO and NCRI. To convince the Western parts, the group also has to certainly make changes to its long history of engagement in terrorism and clean a big bulk of it. How MKO can claim it has forsworn terrorism white in its still practicable charter of NCR, as a prerequisite to recruit members, it says:

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