Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

MKO stays on EU terrorist list

According to EU sources, the new list which remains unchanged from last December will be published Friday in the EU’s Official Journal. The European Court of Justice last December annulled the decision by the EU to put the MKO on the terror register in 2002.

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The reasons of Rajavi’s Cult stay in FTO list

The US confirms that MEK leadership and members across the world maintain the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, Canada and beyond. -MEK had been one of the most violent movements opposed to Pahlavi Dynasty and its close relationship to the United States (fighting America was along with their fight against Imperialism and appeasement of communism )

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A just ruling misinterpreted

Referring to the ruling of the European Court of Justice on December 12, 2006 he said:”I was present in the European Court of Justice last year when in February it deliberated the case of the PMOI. This court in December ruled that the name of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran should be removed from the list of banned organisations”…

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The EU Determined to Keep MKO in the List

The Council has made up its mind a few months ago. A letter written by Christoph Heusgen, advisor to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Vice President of European Parliament Vidal-Quatras, states that there has been an unanimous agreement on this issue since last February. In February 2007, the Council reached an agreement that the reasons for the inclusion of Mojahedin in the list still apply.

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MKO’s efforts for de-proscription the group as a terrorist entity

The fall of Saddam Hussein soon after Mrs. Rajavi’s hasty escape to Paris triggered perhaps the most intense period of propaganda activity in the group’s history. As a destructive cult, with its main terrorist forces disarmed and captive in Iraq, this burst of activity to keep its other members in western countries busy without time for questioning or reflection …

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The Terrorists Lambaste Proscription

The EU has argued that the court’s ruling focused on procedural problems and did not imply that the group had to be removed from the list and that it has complied with the judgment by supplying documents explaining its decision. The EU even granted MKO an opportunity to present counter arguments. MKO has so far failed to adequately explain why it should be taken off the EU list of terrorist organizations.

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MKO on the EU’s Terror List Next Week

Calling it a continuation of appeasement of Iranian regime, MKO condemned the decision taken by the EU and said: “In defiance of EU Court ruling, the EU Council intends to maintain the PMOI on the terror list”. The Council intends to designate MKO because the group has failed to provide any convincing document that would justify its deproscription. Although MKO claims it has forsworn terrorism since June 2001, there are countless evidences that the group was actively plotting and carrying out terrorist operations until 2003 when it was disarmed by the coalition forces in Iraq

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