Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

The Mob Manipulated by the terrorists

The small gifts distributed in these street-shows, which are reported to be protesting rallies by Iranian resistance, might attract any passerby. Of course, they have to sing to get the gifts and the signatures are then advertised to be that of the supporters of the group’s demands. Furthermore, rarely anybody protests you if you ..

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Hostage-Taking to Boost Bargaining

The efforts of MKO to get out of Iraqi crisis have the properties of a criminal act of hostage-taking; the only difference is that instead of ordinary people, they have taken hostage their own members! Mercenaries of Rajavi’s gang, who have a long history of selling their own members, try to put pressure on humanitarian organizations to accept their requests.

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The EU-wide asset freeze against MeK is therefore still in force

On 12 December 2006, the Court of First Instance (CFI) of the European Community annulled the Council of the European Union’s decision to add the Mujahedinn e Khalq (MeK, also known as OMPI or PMOI) to its list of terrorist organisations subject to an EU-wide asset freeze. The CFI judgment focused on issues of EU procedure; the Court did not rule on the substantive question as to whether the MeK is a terrorist group

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Update on Mojahedin Khalq Organisation in Europe

the report of which was published by British Parliament’s website, UK Foreign Office minister Kim Howells responded to some MPs’ request for lifting MKO from terror list:”On the proscription of Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Home Office rejected an application for de-proscription last year and that is, strictly speaking, a matter for the Home Office.”

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Britain Keeps MKO on Black List

In the meeting, the report of which was published by British Parliament’s website, UK Foreign Office minister Kim Howells responded to some MPs’ request for lifting MKO from terror list:”On the proscription of Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Home Office rejected an application for de-proscription last year and that is, strictly speaking, a matter for the Home Office.”

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Maryam Rajavi treatening Council of European Union

Maryam Rajavi, in her video message speech addressed to the conference made clear threats that only those familiar with the group and its cult structure can get the hint. Calling the legally adopted decision an act of appeasing Iranian regime, she promulgates a glimpse of her cult’s potentiality saying: I remind those who insist on keeping the PMOI in the list that appeasement will have dire consequences. We are speaking about the lives of individuals.

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EU says MKO Remains on Terror List

Similar letters will be sent to those people or organizations which have been enlisted as terrorist groups, sources in the EU, speaking on condition of anonymity, told an IRNA correspondent in Brussels. The letter follows the decision by the European Court of Justice last December to

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So Discredited A Ruling

“When the European court issued a ruling on this case, the MKO was on the terrorist list of the EU and the court, of course, complained that enough reasons for designating the group. However, the legal obstacles are being resolved now in order to keep this group on the list,”French Foreign Ministry spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei said on the issue of lifting restrictions of MKO properties.

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