Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

A Just Decision to Keep Terrorists on the List

it has”decided to provide the PMOI with a statement of reasons for keeping it on the EU’s ‘asset freeze list’ of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts, and to give the PMOI one month to present its views, together with any supporting documentation”. Nothing is violated and the council has decided to comply with the judgment of the Court of First Instance.

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Scott Ritter’s Views on MKO

When the Islamic revolution took place in 1979, the MEK initially allied with the Ayatollahs but soon fell out of favor with them. MEK went into exile and they took root first in Europe and later in Iraq where it became a very powerful military wing of the Iraqi Mukhaberat or the intelligence service. Today it’s funded by the CIA in their policy of using this organization to be a stick in the side of Iran. Even now, the MEK continues to be listed by the State department as an international terrorist organization.

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Illegality, Fundamental Crisis for Rajavi’s Gang

there’s a consensus against this group..Western governments, particularly the US and Western Europe, have concluded that the gang of Rajavi is a criminal cult whose claims of democracy are all meaningless and that it’s an anti-democratic movement. Therefore, they try to avoid supporting such a cult. They also repeat their positions occasionally to warn the supporters and agents of the group about their positions.

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Free Speech Does Not Include Terrorism

The Supreme Court refused Monday to block the trial of seven Los Angeles residents charged with raising money for an Iranian opposition group that was designated a”foreign terrorist organization”by the U.S. government. Lawyers for the seven had argued the charges were unconstitutional because they had a free-speech right to raise money for a political group. …

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High Court Denies MKO’s Appeal

The Supreme Court refused Monday to block the trial of seven Los Angeles residents charged with raising money for an Iranian opposition group that was designated a”foreign terrorist organization”by the U.S. government. Lawyers for the seven had argued the charges were unconstitutional because they had a free-speech right to raise money for a political group. …

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US court declines to review anti-terrorism law

Without comment, the justices denied the appeal by the Los Angeles area residents accused of soliciting money for the Mujahedin-e Khalq, which has carried the designation since 1977. Only the groups themselves may seek judicial review in challenging such a designation, according to the 1996 anti-terrorism law. …

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Scottish Daily”Scotsman”quoted an MKO supporter

They want to use the ruling of First Instance Court in order to press European officials to take them out of the list.Earlier, MKO claimed that the ruling meant the removal of MKO’s name from terror list. This was only a propagandistic move which lasted only for a few days and after that they tried to provide opportunities for themselves.

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People Caught in Hallucination

The parliamentarian advocates of MKO are not, no doubt, nai’ve about the violent nature of the group and the reasons that led it onto the black list of the proscribed terrorists. Few of them, for certain political, or maybe personal, reasons prefer to close their eyes on reality for the time being. The main issue for them is to deal with Iran utilizing some kind of leverage of pressure, which in this case they have mistakenly concluded to be MKO.

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