Mujahedin Khalq in the List of terrorist Organizations

EU knows MKO is not democratic says Director of Human Rights

“Ms. Sabin Mayer, Director of Human Rights and International Relations of EU’s Greens, pointed to the process of talks between Europe and Iran since the government of Khatami and said:”Geopolitically, Iran is important and European Union believes that Iran can be taken out of isolation only by dialogue. Parliament knows that along with talking with Iranian officials, more activity is needed in the field of talking with Iranian opposition, writers and citizens.”

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MKO still qualified to be on the list

Last month, the Canadian government reviewed the group and found that it still qualified to be on the list of terrorist organizations banned in Canada, said Philip McLinton, a spokesman from the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

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A lot of hoo-ha for nothing

The European court of justice, declared in its verdict that any funds that had been frozen should now be made available at the disposal of Mojahedin-E Khalq. But the experts on this organization can clearly state that the Mojahedin has never in the past made any of its money transactions through any bank in Europe. The Mojahedin have in fact never placed any of its vast funds …

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EU sources: MKO will not be removed from terror list

The EU, in a statement on Tuesday, said that the European bloc now intends to provide a statement of reasons to each person and entity subject to the asset freeze, wherever that is feasible, and to establish a clearer and more transparent procedure for allowing listed persons and entities to request that their case be re-considered. Jean-Claude Piris, legal counsel to the Council of the EU, told a news conference in Brussels Tuesday that the EU will examine in a thorough way the judgment of the European court.

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Terrorist listing not in question

“For the time being, they are on the list,” said Jean-Claude Piris, legal counsel to the 25 EU governments. “But we have to examine it as soon as possible.” EU governments said in a statement that the court’s ruling did not call into question the EU’s antiterrorist list. It said that the judgment also did not call into question a decision by EU governments that group was a terrorist organisation. ..

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Beckett: MKO is a Terrorist Group

Margaret Beckett, in her first exclusive meeting with the foreign press in the UK, responded to a question on the MKO and, about why the group was still active in Iraq said:”Britain considers MKO a terrorist organization and opposes this group. However, banning the activities of this group in Iraq is up to the Iraqi government and the US as the commander of coalition forces in Iraq.”

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UK Anti-Terrorism Policy and the MEK

As the stranglehold of increasingly draconian anti-terrorism laws takes hold in the UK, this briefing focuses on British policy regarding the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Oragnsiation also known as the MKO or MEK and under various other pseudonyms and acronyms [1] .

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Definite ‘No’ to MKO’s De-proscription

In a recent interview with David Storobin, a New York lawyer, MP Brian Binley, who is the UK Conservative Party Member of House of Commons for Northampton South and an advocate of MKO, made it clear that they, supporters of MKO, had so far failed to convince their governments to de-proscribe MKO

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Would MKO eventually be removed from the list?

The Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), the Iranian terrorist proscribed opposition group, has escalated its over the years demanding move to be lifted from many lists of terrorist organisations in Western Countries. The State Department of the United States, the British Parliament, and the Council of the European Union are some of those who have officially listed MKO as a proscribed group.

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Iranian exile group aims to build bridges

As tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to mount, an Iranian exile group viewed here as a terrorist organization is lobbying to play a greater role in the struggle against Tehran…The Mujahedeen-e Khalq, or People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, was formally listed as a terrorist group by the State Department because of its attacks on American military personnel and Iranian officials. It fiercely opposed the Shah and his supporters during the 1970s and allied with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in his 1980-88 war against Iran.

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