Mujahedin Khalq Terror group

U.S. citizen found in Iraq charged with supporting terror group-MEK

A naturalized U.S. citizen from Iran who was found in Iraq was indicted on charges of providing support to a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the current Iranian regime, federal prosecutors said. Zeinab Taleb-Jedi, 51, was indicted Friday by a federal grand jury in New York on one count of providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization.

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MKO and 9/11

These ex-members have further stated that Rajavi had ordered to show the videotaped explosion of the Twine Towers again and again. They say that Maryam Rajavi once referred to Muhammad Ata’s will, one of the agents of the 9/11 incident, wherein he had banned women’s attendance at his tomb and stated his aversion to family and children, and said that Al-Qaeda and the perpetrators of the 9/11 incident have a far better understanding of MKO’s ideological revolution than those inside the Camp Ashraf

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Rajavi cult – Displaced and Hated

When France expelled Rajavi in 1986- because an international arrest warrant had been issued for him, no European country accepted to give shelter to him. Countries he had planned to go to announced that he would be arrested in the case of entering their soil.

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MKO Terrorist Operations

The Bulletin indicates the mortar attacks and bombings of Iranian cities resulted in the injury and martyrdom of innocent civilians and damage to their property. MKO claimed the responsibility for those operations by issuing press releases following the incidents. This bulletin as an illustrated, documentary evidence of MKO/MEK/PMOI atrocities, works well to illuminate facts on the terrorist nature of MKO and the cause for its proscription as a terrorist organization.

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The Operation Eternal Light, a Product of Hegemony

The ideological revolution, in fact, legitimized Rajavi’s perpetual hegemony that was deep rooted in the organization’ structure and which was invisibly practiced by its first charismatic leader Hanifnejad. Tinctured with sacredness, the pillars of hegemony would be stabilized and ended any further wrangling. The main core of Mojahedin’s ideological revolution was to solve the issue of leadership. It could put an end to a problem known to be the Achilles’ heel in most contemporary revolutions and movements

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The Guest Who Rebukes the Host

On 16 June 2003 the French best-known anti-terrorist judge Jean Louis Bruguiere and his team, following a 14 hours interrogation that had started at 15.30 hour local time on 16 June 2003, issued a detention order accusing the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the political umbrella group dominated by the MKO, blacklisted as a terrorist group by the US, the EU, and other countries, of”terrorist activities, association with a terrorist organization and financing terrorist operations”.

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Letter to the Canadian Minister of immigration

… In Golestaney’s case, the security clearance has proved to be the sticking point.
He took his case to the Federal Court of Canada, seeking an order that Citizenship and immigration decide on his application within 30 days. In his December decision, justice Paul Rouleau ruled against Golestaneh, noting there is no statutory deadline for deciding on a citizenship application…”

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Hojat Zamani Was A Terrorist

After the reports came up on execution of Hojat Zamani, the old breathless system of MKO started to work and the leaders of this group who now felt a new blood in their bodies didn’t know how to express their happiness; in this regard, MKO and those tied to it are competing in raising the position of Hojat Zamani.

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