Mujahedin Khalq Terror group

Newt Gingrich Attends Meeting Of Controversial Iranian Dissident Group MEK

The group were for years allied with Saddam Hussein, backing him in the Iran-Iraq War. Saddam gave them arms and allowed them to settle on bases in Iraq. (Donald Trump, who is considering Gingrich as a top-level candidate to be his running mate, has repeatedly praised Saddam for supposedly cracking down on terrorism.)The State Department designated the MEK as a terrorist …

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Maryam Rajavi — MEK Propaganda Queen — Advertises Her Services For Iran’s Enemies

Clearly this message is not aimed at Iranians. The clamour for regime change in Iran does not emanate from inside the country in spite of its many social, civic and political problems. Who then is Maryam Rajavi’s constituency? From whom is she hoping to garner support?Many constituencies outside Iran wish fervently for its destruction. It is enlightening that Maryam Rajavi’s …

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Do not participate in the gathering of a cultic terrorist organisation

With all these facts mentioned above, we advise you not to participate in such a ceremony which is organized by a terrorist and cultic organization. Because despite its claim that it is the most democratic political group, each year it commemorates the anniversary of terrorism and violence and it continues to insist on the strategy of violence and terrorism. So, by participating in this …

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Ex MKO High-ranking member pens letter to David Jones MP

How could one shake hands in the 21th Century with people that claim to be the Calipha and to be sent by the God and represents the God on the Earth and also practices being the owner of the blood, breath, life and all belongings of the mankind? It is in this context that Maryam Rajavi arranges Harem full of women members for his “Calipha” Masoud Rajavi. If in doubt please ask Maryam Rajavi to officially deny it. Since she may deceivingly …

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Defectors to reveal the Cult of Rajavi in Paris

Regarding that the MKO/MEK/PMOI is launching its so-called annual Great Gathering next week on July 9th in Paris, defectors worked hard to warn Europe about the reality of the Mujahedin Khalq, the undemocratic atmosphere ruling this cult and its dark history of violence and human rights abuse.They want Europe to beware that the MKO cult is neither a political movement nor an opposition group

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Open letter to Michael James Tottoen

As a journalist with knowledge about the middle east, especially Iraq and Iran, you certainly know that the MEK/MKO/PMOI is a cultish organization with no support among the most Iranians (exiles as those living in Iran). The majority of the Iranians despise the MEK for their alliance with Saddam Hussein in the 80s and for their position against the nuclear program…

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