Mujahedin Khalq Terror group

Joining hands with the deceitful MKO terror-cult would be a huge mistake

The adept propaganda apparatus of MKO/MEK/PMOI mixes the huge sums of money with huge sums of deception in order to portray the organization the way the audiences want it to be.Among human rights advocates it wears the mask of human rights defenders and shows itself as a prototype of a favored society. As the most colorful motto of the group, the leaders use slogans in support of gender equality and freedom of women….

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The Disgraceful Shilling for the MEK Continues

the MEK aka MKO/PMOI has claimed all sorts of spurious, self-serving things about what it represents. Despite being a bizarre authoritarian cult with Marxist and quasi-Islamist views, it now pretends to be exactly what Westerners want an Iranian exile group to be. It doesn’t matter to the MEK’s American fans that it is lying about its political views, and they are obviously not worried about reciting those lies for Western audiences

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MKO and ISIS constitute an Axis of the Israeli Evil

Even if the MKO/MEK/PMOI is able to wipe its history of cooperating with terrorist extremists –there are many reports of links between the Cult of Rajavi and other terrorist groups including Jundullah and its new affiliate Jaish aladl– its association with Israeli Empire cannot be neglected because in this case this is Israel that decides how, when, and where to use its proxy.

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The MKO, Why such a reluctance to cover the news of Gaza

The MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI lack of enthusiasm and sympathy for the slaughter of Palestinians stems from the decade-long alliance of the group with Israeli Intelligence agencies. The notorious alliance includes financial, military, operational and spying cooperation that aims to demonize the Iranian Government. Their purpose is to curtail the nuclear program by any possible means.

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