Mujahedin Khalq

How ‘Terrorists’ Become ‘Freedom Fighters’

World-renowned critic of US foreign policy and host of the popular syndicated radio program Alternative Radio, David Barsamian, also said that the MEK/MKO/PMOI is far from popular in Iran and is commonly misconstrued as being so only by hardliners while beating the drums for further ventures of US imperialism. In fact Barsamian explained that when such advocates of these types of policies use terms like”democracy,”or”freedom,”they often mean just the opposite.

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Study faults US handling of MKO terrorists in Iraq

A recent report by the RAND Corporation, a prominent think tank that does research for the US Government, illustrate that Washington committed a judgmental error when dealing with the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) in Iraq… To make matters worse, the group, who had a long history of trickery, had asserted that it had not engaged coalition forces in combat. Officers responsible for detaining the MKO accepted this claim, even though at least one special-forces-casualty had resulted from combat with the group.

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Iraqi Court Receives 5,000 Complaints against MKO, Former Baghdad Regime

Iraq’s supreme criminal court assigned to review crimes done by the former Iraqi Baath regime during the 1991 uprising (Shabaniyah Intifada) announced that it has received 5,000 complaints filed against the regime and anti Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). .The families of the victims as well as those disabled during the suppression of the uprising have asked for chasing and punishing those responsible for the crimes done during the suppression of intifada in northern and southern Iraq..

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The “wolves” documentary released

According to the database of Habilian Association (terror victims’ family) the “wolves” documentary (Subject) is the story of members of MKO terrorist cult who moved to Iraq in the very early days of Iraq’s imposed war to Iran and became a part of Saddam’s war machine against Iran and fought against their own people as a part of Saddam’s army.

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Sobhani broaches US ties with Rajavi cult

Sobhani ,A former member of the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) claims the US turned a blind eye to the terrorist nature of the ‘Rajavi cult’..he also claimed that because”the organization forbids matrimony, for the past 25 years no child has been born to a man and woman inside the organization.”..”As a former member of the group, I feel that the Americans have made a grave mistake with regards to the organization. Six years after overthrowing Saddam, the MKO/MEK/PMOI is still brainwashing the residents of Ashraf Camp with the help of the Americans..

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Is Jordan the next option for MKO settlement?

following the collapse of the camp Ashraf, which was based for many years in Iraq to bring members of the”People’s Mojahedin Organization”(hypocrites) together, the leaders of the terrorist organization, are thinking of transition from Iraq to another Arab country. .Maryam Rajavi has recently traveled to Jordan to take permission from the Jordanian authorities and demand the officials of the country to accept the members of the MKO in Jordan.

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Rand: The Mujahedin-e Khalq in Iraq – A policy conundrum

… A RAND study examined the evolution of this controversial decision, which has left the United States open to charges of hypocrisy in the war on terrorism. An examination of MeK activities establishes its cultic practices and its deceptive recruitment and public relations strategies. A series of coalition decisions served to facilitate the MeK leadership’s control over its members. The government of Iraq wants to expel the group, but no country other than Iran will accept it.

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Who is Responsible for the Bloodshed and Death in Camp Ashraf?

The PMOI in Iraq is finished, especially after the fall of Saddam Hussein and his government. Its military wing, the NLA is completely dysfunctional and impaired because of disarmament.. the PMOI’s leaders do not want to deal with the destiny of 3500 personnel and members who have been stranded in that garrison for decades. The life of those stranded people in that garrison does not have any value for their a victim of this organization, hold Mrs. Maryam Ghajar Azdanloo (Rajavi) responsible and accountable for the life and death of those stranded MKO members..

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Mass grave links Mojahedin Khalq to Kuwait invasion

Police officials in the Iraqi province of Diyalah said Sunday that the mass graves contained Kuwaiti nationals who had fallen victim to the Ba’ath regime’s seven month-long invasion of Kuwait…If confirmed, the reports would expose MKO complicity in Saddam Hussein’s war on Kuwait, which killed more than 3,664 Iraqis and 1,000 Kuwaitis

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Mass grave found in Camp Ashraf

a mass grave containing victims of Saddam Hussein’s regime during the war against Kuwait in 1991 was found in Ashraf garrison, the base of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization, in the Diyala province in Iraq. Iraqi media reports also reflected the joy of the inhabitants of the Diyala province that the Iraqi government has imposed its rule over what was described as the”camp housing the terrorist MKO”.

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