Mujahedin Khalq


We are all surprised that MR. VIDAL QUADRASS is helping and backing up such a cruel and bloodthirsty cult which has committed numerous crimes not only against its own members but also against the people of Iraq. Before MR. VIDAL QUADRASS, MR. CASACA, a politician from Portugal, was doing the same job in favor of PMOI, backing up and helping PMOI in European Parliament, but we saw that he lost his popularity in European Parliament and they did not vote for him and he had to withdraw from European politics..

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And those who shed tears for such a terrorist group which is rejected by the whole world must be aware that terrorists who have sold their souls to the devil would be prepared to do anything to complete the transaction even if they need to backstab their hosts… for those who are not still convinced, the alternative solution is that they «host» MKO(MEK, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi cult) in their own countries away from Iraq

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MKO instrumental misuse of individuals

Memoirs of Ms. Soltani – Part 11-2 – The organization recruited those who were out of job or those who had other problems and sent them out of the country through various ways… The duty of manpower part was to recruit those who had social problems and to send them abroad. They tricked many people outside and inside the country. They manipulated them using long-term emotional methods or they tried to control their thoughts in order to recruit them. Hence Masud Rajavi could gather a number of them in France.

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EU decision on MKO ‘will’ backfire

A senior Iranian dignitary describes the EU-led decision to remove the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) from the terror blacklist as a ‘strategic mistake’…”It is the European Union’s strategic mistake to hold hope on the MKO because the terrorist group has no social or popular base in Iran,”he added. The lawmaker said the mistake by European countries would be in Iran’s favor because the”West has no concrete information and analysis about the MKO.”

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Crimes of MKO in Iraq discussed

… Dr. Abdalzahra Mohye: many and Iraqi families have suffered from crimes committed by MKO. As the private army of Saddam Hussein, this little group assisted former regime to massacre Iraqi Kurds and suppress Shiites Intifada.I saw it with my own eyes how they killed innocent people in a mosque in Baghdad’s Sadr district…

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EU urges Obama to support terror cult

More than 100 members of the European Parliament have tried to persuade the US president to lift an American ban on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK), AFP reported on Thursday. The MKO, which identifies itself as a Marxist-Islamist guerilla army, was founded in Iran in the 1960s but was exiled some twenty years later for carrying out numerous acts of terrorism inside the country.

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Iraqi PM: Mojahedin will never operate from Iraq

According to the London based Al Sharq Al Aawsat newspaper, Noori Almaliki the Iraqi prime minister said: Concerning the Mojahedin Khalq presence in Iraq he said: Under no circumstances would their presence in Iraq be acceptable. Irrespective of some speculation that this may be due to pressure from Iranians or non Iranians, I should emphasise clearly that even if Iran asks us to keep them in Iraq, we will not allow this. This is a terrorist organisation present in various lists of terrorist entities across the globe ..

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Terrorists living among us

..The Mojahedin-e Khalq (also known as MEK inside Iran) means People’s Advocates, yet more than 90% of their intended targets and almost 95% of their casualties have been Iranian civilians. ..Once the NCR started campaigning for money and influence in Washington for assistance against the Iranian Islamic government, the U.S. politicians and the Israeli lobbyist ignored their origins and their past activities against American civilians…

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Betrayal of freedom for the cause of freedom

Good news as it may seem, MKO stresses that, if not publically and officially declared, it is no more adhering to an armed policy in its struggle against Iranian regime. But the organization totally disregards the fact that those who claim to be supporting the establishment of democracy in a country should first themselves hold onto the principles of democracy. Cunning claims, while the organization’s main military camp is still heavily run and guarded under the same unchanged military disciplines and practical cultic ideologies in Iraqi Camp ..

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Who was Lord Slynn?

With the defeat of Saddam Hussein, the PMOI were left without a sponsor. So, bewildered, brainwashes, despondent and defeated. Furthermore, being listed as a proscribed terrorist organization curtailed their fundraising efforts. So, in an effort to be removed from the list, to whom could the PMOI/MKO/MEK turn but the trust old bullies’ warhorse: Lord Slynn of Hadley. The defenders of British child rapists and Chilean torturers rose to the occasion ..

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