Mujahedin Khalq

Iraq to close MKO camp in two months

Iraqi National Security advisor Muwafaq al-Rubaie said on Friday that Baghdad plans to close down the Ashaf military camp where the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) members are held under house arrest. Iraq is also seeking to extradite the Mojahedin Khalq members who have taken refuge in Iraq since early 1980s, Rubaie told reporters in a joint news conference with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili in Tehran.

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Iraq Accuses Iranian Exiles of Plotting Attack

The Iraqi government this week accused an Iranian opposition group of planning a suicide attack against Iraqi troops, a possible prelude to decisive government action to close the group’s camp in Iraq and expel its members…Rubaie’s statement said a member of the organization had turned himself in to Iraqi security forces and told them that group leaders had instructed him to detonate explosives at the headquarters of the Iraqi security forces. The goal of the reported attack was to embarrass the Iraqi government, the statement said.

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MKO plot on Iraq security center fails

The would-be suicide bomber is one of the residents of Camp Ashraf, the MKO training center and headquarters in Iraq. The main objectives of the attack were targeting Iraqi security forces who took over the camp’s security on January 1, 2009 and dissuading the members of the terrorist group from leaving the compound or surrendering to Iraqi forces. The Iraqi government has been seeking the expulsion or relocation of MKO, as it believes the group to be responsible for attempting to destabilize the country by carrying out terror attacks.

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Who cares about the MKO?

The non-Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK), since the overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, is seeking another alternative in the west. The MKO strove under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein to become the Iraqi MKO and now is striving to become the Israeli MKO. ..the only side who would really suffer from de-proscribing the MKO in Europe is of course the prime victims of such a destructive cult, meaning the members who will be more mentally manipulated when this is shown to them as a victory of the cult and will ensue their continued mental captivity; and therefore their families must pay the price by being away from them and have no news from their beloved ones.

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Iranian Militant MeK Group Losing Fight to Stay in Iraq

An Iranian resistance group that has been living in exile in Iraq for decades is no longer a welcome guest in the country and may have no choice but to return to Iran, where some of its members fear they could be tortured and possibly executed as traitors…now that the Iraqi government wants the MeK to leave Iraq, the group’s designation as a terrorist organization is preventing other countries from offering its members a new home, and they fear they may have no choice but to return to Iran.

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US confirms Mojahedin Khlaq as terrorist group

… The US announcement comes amid Iraqi government efforts to expel members of the terrorist group. Baghdad assumed control of the security of Camp Ashraf, the main MKO/PMOI/MEK military base in Iraq’s Diyala province, on January 1, 2009 …The Mujahedin Khalq Organization is blacklisted by many countries, including EU member states and the United States as a terrorist organization. It relocated to Camp Ashraf from Iran after the Islamic Revolution.

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Terrorist, Mercenary, Spy…

National Council of Resistance is a branch of Mujahedin-e-Khalq(PMOI/MEK/MKO) which is listed as a terrorist group in US and EU. Mujahedin were Saddam’s mercenary during the 1980s when they launched cross border attacks against Iran. NCR is proud of having denounced Iran clandestine nuclear facilities in Natans. Though, according to a report by the expertise journal Nuclear Fuel in December 2002, IAEA has already been completely aware of those facilities

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Opportunist Mujahedin-e-Khalq

The civil armed struggle was replaced by the front armed struggle because the civil struggles had been defeated in Iran and now MKO needed to depend on Saddam Hussein who was fighting Iran. If MKO had led its political struggles from Europe, France it would have not needed the support of a dictator and violator of Human Rights like Saddam Hussein.

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The issues of PMOI and mass graves.

The deputy head of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC), Ammar al-Hakeem, on Saturday discussed with Iraqi Human Rights Minister Wejdan Mikhaeel measures taken to deal with the issues of Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) and mass graves.

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